Do you name your chickens and if so how do you choose their names.

I name mine lol i'll start with the weirdest
and i just name em based on their personality and looks or just randomly *cough*roastbeef*coughcough* LOL

Roast Beef
Big Red
Chickn Lil
Ms Henny


and the ones i HAD that were either roos or died....
Freddy (she was the meanest lol shoulda been freddy cruger
Tickle (dont look at me, my sister named that one
and at my grandmas we had one named Judy Lou

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I name all of the ones i keep.... It either has to do with their personalities or the name just comes to me for some reason or other, almost up to 50 now and you would think i would forget some names... Nope
Here is just a few

Crash- WHite cochin bantam roo, He ran into me full speed ahead like he was invincible at about 1 week old, he bounced right back in the brooder and just kind of shook his head

Dudley- Brown/red cochin bantam, Hubby named him. He started out as studley, such a handsome sweety

Bernie- Serama roo Named after the late bernie mac (comedian) another hubby name

Dahlia- Black serama hen, named after the black dahlia
Daisy- Buff serama hen, figured i was gonna stick with the flower theme

Petunia- Brown/red hen Sooo beautiful

Whitey- Blonde serama roo named after my dad (My fathers nic name) He is a spazz and flies off the handle if the wind blows the wrong way just like my father lol

Lacy lou- cuckoo cochin bantam
snowflake aka flakers- she has OCD just like me and is a clean freak, before they go into the coop at night she sits on the step going in and cleans up all the pine shavings that were tracked out during the day

Peanut- serama cockerel He was sooo tiny when he hatched
Smudge- Serama pullet she is still really tiny, loves to cuddle. named her smudge because she was a yellow chick with one dark spot on her back

SHeesh i could go on forever but i'll
now lol
Most of mine have names, at the least the permanent ones do. Usually I pick names by color or personality. Sometimes if I have one thats a certain breed and I get more of that breed I will start them all with the same letter. I usually don't name them til they are 5-6 months though, in case they don't make it or turn out to be unfriendly or a surprise roo.

Most of my flocks names:

Aurora- EE
Autumn- RIR
Lola- Gold Laced Cochin
Lulu- WC Black Polish
Ginger- RSL
Penny- Buff Cochin
Sandy- Wheaten Ameraucana
Cora- Blue Cochin
Abby- EE
Ora- Silver Sebright
Opal- Porcelain OEGB
Baili- Blue Silkie
Khaki- Buff Partridge Silkie
Juno- Black Silkie
Josie- Splash Silkie
Emma- Partridge Silkie
Dymond- White Silkie
Dollie- White Cochin Bantam
Dottie- Gold Pencilled Hamburg,
Robyn- Aus/Silkie/EE mix
Maisie & Mira- Mille Fleur d'Uccles
Roxie & Dixie- Light Brahmas
Brynn- Lt Brahma bantam
Amber- Amberlink
Lucy- Partridge Cochin
Bella- Barred Cochin
Claire- Red Cochin
Tessa- Barnyard mix
Sienna- Speckled Sussex
Scarlet- Gold Sex Link
Cami & Cali- Salmon Faverolles
Willow & Wendy- Welsummers
Zoia- Black Australorp
Angel- Wt Leghorn
Sunshine- Buff Orp
Buffy- Buff Laced Polish
Sadie- Splash Cochin
Lizzie- Barred Rock
Paisley & Phoena- EE/Silkie mixes
Luna- White Cochin
Laci- Aus/Silver Spangled Hamburg mix
Ana- Black Jap
Honey- Black-tailed Buff Jap
Heidi- Black-tailed White Jap
Evie- White/Blue EE bantam
Maggie- Gold Neck d'Uccle
Priya- Black Silkie
Rogan- Red Silkie
Winni & Kira- Wheaten OEGBs

Solo- Wild Eastern Turkey
Fez- Ringneck Pheasant

Unnamed: 3 Juvie Ducks, approx 6-7 BBS Ameraucanas & a handful of chicks.
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All our animals are named. All but one with a "human" name.

The girls are named after classic movie actresses.
Audrey(Hepburn) Vivian(Leigh) Olivia(De haviland) Mae(West) Natalie (Wood) We had Ingrid (Bergman) but she turned out to be a he. so was aptly renamed Humphrey(Bogart)

I have Sophia waiting for the next batch. I want to use Katherine. . but it is on the short list for my sister should she have a girl.
I am 100% positive she would not think it an honor to have a chicken(in the family) with the same name as her daughter.
Our first hens, Annette, Julie, Renee, and Loretta, were named after old college friends. Annette hatched a brood last Spring, and we kept Constance and Patricia, selected as namesakes by dear friends currently dealing with cancer - they love having chickens named in honor of them; Eugenie, named after another friend, and our Roo, Mr. FancyPants, who we really hadn't intended on keeping, but he is such a charming gentleman that he earned a home in our coop.
We have Satay,stirfry,kfc,redrooster and then booster,chester and foghorn are the roosters,chicken little,red the bogan head,(thinks she's permantlly clucky)fugly to name a few and lots that look the same that are just called the girls.
Our are pets who lay eggs, so yes, they each have a name:

Dumpling - BR
Nugget - RIR
Gwenovyre (Gwen) - BSL
Tribble - banty cochin whose appearane unexpectedly multiplied our flock size, and who trilled nonstop when we first got her

This spring I'm getting 3 chicks - BO, Crested polish, and Australorp - and I'm considering these names:
Polish - Beaker (from the Muppets)
BO - Ginger, Fricasee
Australorp - ??... Potpie, Satay, Kabob, Alaking...?

It cracks me up to have laying hens with chicken food names.

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