Do you talk too much about chickens?

Yep I am always talking about chickens to anyone that will listen.......... and even if they don't I talk to my chickens about chickens............ addicted yep that's me.....
Does 'fessing up to singing lullabies to my quail eggs count?

"Goodnight Quaily
Goodnight Quaily
Good ~ night ~Quai ~ly
You know we all love you!"


You should've seen the look on Mr Saddi's face.
My father-in-law said that to me, no surprise. He's just jealous. I'm a city girl with chickens and he's a wanna be, live off the land type, that lives in the City!

He wouldn't know what to do with a chicken if it flew on his plate!
Actually yes several times! I too have noticed the glazed over eyes!! I love it when people call or come over, because then they ASKED for it and they are a captive audience!!

I also have been told that I talk too much about BYC!!?? How is this possible???
EVERYONE says I talk too much about chickens. The only people that dont say I do are the enablers here, lol. I always talk about them, I seriously think I talk about chickens 95% of the time, the other 5% is just filler talk like 'I'm hungry'
whoops am quilty also, each night after they have been put to bed, I go round saying "goodnight darlings, goodnight darlings" "sleep tight" hmmm crazy English woman......
Im known to some as the "Chicken Man" around here. I've actually had people call me to ask a question, because someone told them I was the guy to ask. SO yeah I guess I do talk about them enough to get the word out.
so far no one has actually told me I talk about them too much. But I too have noticed that after discussing my birds for five or ten minutes people do develop a certain vacant expression. They are too polite, if they told me I talked about them too much, maybe I'd cut back (haha, right!)
I think my family thinks I'm crazy. I do the same thing. I've used the excuse that my expensive coop and obsession with chickens is for the grandkids entertainment.

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