Do you talk too much about chickens?

Me too! I'm a lost cause
it drives my mom insane!! Oh well
I take pics of my chickens to work. I talk about them. And I always say, 'On the chicken forum............................."

I learn a lot of stuff here!
I co-worker of mine has been giving me the "you are crazy" look lately everytime i discuss my chickens with her. I think she thinks i have gone insane LOL. But get this... She has chickens herself!! I don't think she likes her chickens as much as i like mine LOL. I believe my boss also thinks i have gone chicken nuts-o. This is why i love BYC so much. I can chat and relate to people who are just as interested in chickens as myself. Oh... and did i mention my family is starting to think i have gone a little overboard with the whole chicken thing?!
People have said to me:
"Theye really is such a thing as a chicken forum?!!"

I really wish other people could get as excited about something like I get excited about my chickens.
"My chicken people say, (this), My chicken people say (that)"
All the time.

It's hard to explain to "other poeple" about how cool it is that my Roxie goes to sleep when I carry her around the yard for more than a few seconds.

Or how they can give you "the look" when you know they just saw you do something stupid....and they know it.

OR how they mumble, grumble curses at you for takeing their eggs or boot ing them off their broody nest.
Yeah, my neighbors do that to me when we visit & my bf has even asked me not too talk about them so much in front of our friends but....if they ask, then they will get it & can giggle & glaze over as much as they want!
I had to stop saying that because I was getting to many pitying looks, like "Oh, you poor girl, you must have NO life!"

If only they knew....
I have so much fun on this forum. They just go out & socialize at Walmart.

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