Do you talk too much about chickens?

Hahahaha no one has really told me that, but I have a feeling that they think I'm crazy because I get all excited when our chicken eggs start hatching! LOL when our broody hen's first clutch of eggs started hatching, I texted like everyone and told them about it!
And I called my mom everyday and updated her about them as they hatched, even though she doesn't really like chickens.
I am totally guilty. Especially when I started hatching them.

However, my DH plays pool (billiards) and THAT'S all that he talks about. Seriously I get so sick of hearing about what a great shot he made and sometimes even shot by shot synopsis of a game he played in league so that's when I "chicken out".
He generally gets the idea then.
I've been deemed the "Crazy Bird Lady" by my sister. She's the crazy horse lady, so it's all relative. My MIL is the only one that understands. Her and her BF are known in their subdivision as the "Bird People" . I don't mind being the crazy bird lady, there are worse things to be called I suppose. Call me what you want, it's not going to keep me from telling anyone who will listen the antics of my sweet little chicks and turkeys. I don't have human kids, just featherd ones.
Guilty as charged. My fiancee calls me a "chicken nerd" because I start going off on all the different breeds, and most people have no idea what I'm talking about... unless of course I happen to be at a poultry show or in the company of another chicken nerd
and then do we have fun or what!!!
The biggest mistake someone can make is to ask me "How are the chickens doing?"... te he

I think my friends all think I'm nuts, but hey at least I'm doing something besides watching TV...........

Yes I admit it. I do talk about chickens constantly! My friends will make bets with each other on how long I can go without saying the word chicken.

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