Do you talk too much about chickens?

I think I am getting better, I have learned to change the subject when the person I am talking to sends out subtle body language markers that they have had enough, when their eyes glaze over,..or they try to poke out their eardrums with a pencil, the easiest cue is when they stick both index fingers in ears and start uttering nananananananananananaana. I smooothly change subject and start telling them about my ducks,...
Ok I am kind of lying a bit here,..usually I talk about the ducks and after cues switch to chickens...but hey it's all the same :)
YOUR FROM AUSTRALIA!!! So am I originally-Sydney. Had chickens there too-hehe
Love them in both countries. Yay for chicken madness!!!

Yeah my poor husband seems to get less attention too-hehe
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I have to learn to curb my excitment. Some of my patients have started looking at me weird, others have decided to get chickens because I have them!
....curb your excitement....aaaaaaaah that's a good one.

Wonder what I'd think if my dentist started talking chicken...

what flavor paste? cherry, mint, or chicken?
That is why my long lost friends' eyes glazed over! I never did get it until now.

Gee, what are you guys saying? There really are 'others' that don't love chickens like we do? That there is a ....limit.... to how much we can talk to 'others' about BYC or our chickens?

My hands are starting to shake, my brow is full of sweat, my eyes are darting into dark corners of the room...."I must tell chicken stories to my co-workers....must carry pictures of chicks in my purse...must take off work for 'birthday' of eggs due to hatch...must talk about rooster antics...must brag about double yolker blue egg..." Can'

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