Do you think I might be a ROO? (<== sarcasm) UPDATED

I'm not sure which hatchery mine came from, as I got them through Agway. I should ask my chicken lady. (And for those of you have have never seen the Chicken Lady from The Kids In The Hall, I direct you to youtube.)
Definitely boy
Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away...Day Thirty Six. SIGH.

That hasn't worked for me.
Great photos...and enjoyed your post.​
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Your lucky you only got one. I paid for 10 pullets and got 7 roos!

GASP! What did you do? Surely there's SOME recourse in that situation! I know 10% is a standard give and take so I took mine with a chuckle, but SEVEN OUT OF TEN? AND YOU PAID FOR PULLETS??!!​
You're welcome! I'm a noob, too, and I am constantly amazed at what Mother Nature can do in such a short time span. In that final pic, he's only 12 weeks. I remember watching them on Day One, astonished how they could fend for themselves, given that they had been inside an egg only the day before...

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