Do you wear a face mask to clean a backyard coop?

Because I have sand in the bottom of my coop I just go out there everyday and clean out with a cat litter box scooper. This helps me from having a big cleanup each week. ( it also helps with the odor.)
I clean our large coop daily, and I never use a mask. Sure it smells crazy and I've wondered in my mind if I was going to catch the plague, but we keep things pretty clean, swept out and refresh bedding regularly. I don't think masks are necessary if you're coop is maintained. If its healthy for the birds it should be healthy for us right?
I clean our large coop daily, and I never use a mask. Sure it smells crazy and I've wondered in my mind if I was going to catch the plague, but we keep things pretty clean, swept out and refresh bedding regularly. I don't think masks are necessary if you're coop is maintained. If its healthy for the birds it should be healthy for us right?
That is true in a lot of ways, especially if you clean the coop every day, but chickens are immune to a lot of things we aren't, and vice versa. I never wear a mask either, maybe a bandanna every once and a while.
This is my coop cleaning gear. Dang critter cam will photograph anything.

Wow, you sure have a lot of pets/livestock!
I was interviewing a potential house sitter who has never dealt with chickens before. She house sits for a friend of mine who keeps some doves in an aviary and she said that she always wears a face mask when she cleans the dove cage. I got the impression that she thinks she should also wear one when she is cleaning my coop.
Dust from chicken feces, and dust from certain bird dander, can cause long lasting respiratory issues. Histoplasomosis can be transmitted through dried bird droppings, as well as other issues. Not everyone will get it, but those who do can have serious complications.

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