do your birds make you money?

I hate to sound like a *****.... but if someone truely is making a living at chickens... they wouldn't post the "how to's" on a site that is overrun with chicken people.
They are their customers... and they probrably would like to keep them that way instead of competitors.
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I would make a bit of money if my free-loading hens just laid on a regular basis

I get $5 a dozen and have a backlog of customers, I can't fulfill all my orders due to not enough eggs. Many of my girls are too young to lay, or have just started and their eggs are too small. A bunch are getting on with age and only lay a couple eggs per week... and the bantams' eggs are too small to sell (we keep all those for ourselves and just sell the large nice eggs).

In a good month I can make about $70 to $80, which covers their food and bedding.

Now if only I could make enough to cover their meds, treats, coop, electricity usage, etc
I have 10 hens, who lay about 6-7 eggs a day......I give most of my eggs away to family. But my husbands boss loves to buy them from us and we only sell them for $1 a dozen, $1.50 for 18......I know it's cheap, but I still have a hard time wanting to charge very much for my small backyard flocks eggs. I wish that covered the cost for feed atleast, but it doesn't. I don't mind...I enjoy my chickens!
We spend about 35 a month in the winter on about 35 birds. I give the eggs away and get about a dozen a day in the winter and 18 a day in the summer.

I live in rural Kentucky and a few people around here have a couple of chickens....but they have been HARD to find. That really blew my mind!!!

I now have so many people standing in line and offering to pay for the "REALLY GOOD TASTING COUNTRY EGGS" that I may have to start charging about a buck fifty per dozen just to keep up with demand. (by culling the customers) This would cover my food. At two bucks per dozen it would cover litter and actually earn a couple of bucks per month.

We sold four dozen today. AND THEY ASKED TO BUY THEM FROM US!!! We would have given them away!!! This is a pretty common thing who knows. If this keeps up.....I may get MORE chickens (haha).

Just thought I would share!!!


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