Do your chickens like to be picked up and cuddled?

Mine are always nice as chicks. But as they get older they start acting more like a stinkin chicken and become aloof & uncaring unless I have feed bucket in hand. They will tolerate being handled when I catch them but they don't volunteer for it.
I have one of 6 hens who, from hatching, has come up to humans for petting, holding, and attention. I have two others who can be caught and handled with some degree of pleasure once the initial shock is over. I have two more who can be caught if I'm determined enough but who never seem to calm down. I have one hen whom I can't catch.

The rooster is wary of me and I want him to show that sort of respect. When he was little and I thought he was a hen I could catch him and pet him sometimes but as his sex became more evidence and he began to feel the effects of the hormones he became more stand-offish and I decided that I didn't want to risk ending up posting, "What happened to my sweet rooster?" so I focused on him respecting me rather than being a love-sponge.
each chicken is different, I have a buff orpington that will run up to me every day and let me pick her up, but my other two won't let me. I raised them as chicks and they have gotten better around me but still run when i try to hold them
I have six one year old Red Sex Link hens. They tolerate being handled but do not seek it out. I like it when the squat for me so I can pick them up. I try to touch them daily just so they don't fear me.
One hen, Opal, has taken to pecking me when I touch her. She bit my hand and drew blood a few weeks ago. She's quite aggressive when she want food and will come right up on her roost when I'm cleaning and try to peck at me. I'm not sure whether to thump her to let her know she can't get away with it or put her in my lap and keep her there until she tolerates it.
The friendliest chicken I ever had was an Americauna we named "Hooty" because she looked like an owl. She would come right up to you, and if you bent down to get something she would try to hop up on your back or shoulder, then if she was successful, she would ride around on your shoulder like a parrot on a cartoon pirate.
But most of my chickens haven't wanted to get to close to people unless there was a treat involved.
I can vouch for chickens that just love attention. I have 12 chickens who I give regular attention to daily, but I am not really a hugger. They are just the birds, and I talk to them and they follow me around. However, I have one Easter Egger that is determined to love me. She will fly into my arms, even when I don't see her coming. She'll also fly onto my shoulder from the ground (I'm 6'3) and ride around like a parrot. She gets so sad when I make her get down. I have no idea why she is such an love junkie, but it's pretty cute. Oh, and like the others have mentioned, crevices are a major draw. She just loves to stick her head under my armpit and fall asleep.

I had her from a chick, and she was not the most loving as a chick. She really didn't start this behavior until around after 6 months old.
I can vouch for chickens that just love attention. I have 12 chickens who I give regular attention to daily, but I am not really a hugger. They are just the birds, and I talk to them and they follow me around. However, I have one Easter Egger that is determined to love me. She will fly into my arms, even when I don't see her coming. She'll also fly onto my shoulder from the ground (I'm 6'3) and ride around like a parrot. She gets so sad when I make her get down. I have no idea why she is such an love junkie, but it's pretty cute. Oh, and like the others have mentioned, crevices are a major draw. She just loves to stick her head under my armpit and fall asleep.

I had her from a chick, and she was not the most loving as a chick. She really didn't start this behavior until around after 6 months old.

If I tried to hug mine they would probably throw a fit, but they will follow me around and come running when they see me (I think it has something to do with the treats I usually carry, Lol)

I love to talk to mine, I think they actually answer, wish I could speak chicken more fluently.

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