Do your chickens like to be picked up and cuddled?

I have had a few VERY cuddly hens. My barred rock hen Sweet Basil will fly up to my arm and snuggle me--she loves sitting in my lap for as long as I will let her, and though she'll accept treats if I offer them to her, she's much more interested in being held. Recently, I hatched a batch of home-grown mutts, and they are so cuddly that we have a hard time putting them down. My mother was trying to take pictures of them the other day, and ended up with several little chickens climbing up her arms for a cuddle!

An old photo of Basil and Thyme. Thyme has since grown out of being cuddly, though she still likes being petted, but Basil still wants to be held whenever she can.

Sweet Basil joining me for a webcam chatting session.

I'm jealous!

Just kidding, but really, could you talk to my little sweeties about being a little more cuddly?
My 3 hens are quite twitchy when I go to pick them up, one squats if I do manage to get near her ( only once or twice in a day though )and the other 2 just lower themselves to get evade from my invading hands.

I think If I take the time to sit in the run with them with treats and build trust, they may start letting me handle them, and also when they start laying - As they become submissive in nature... theoretically.
My 3 hens are quite twitchy when I go to pick them up, one squats if I do manage to get near her ( only once or twice in a day though )and the other 2 just lower themselves to get evade from my invading hands.

I think If I take the time to sit in the run with them with treats and build trust, they may start letting me handle them, and also when they start laying - As they become submissive in nature... theoretically.

I do think that a lot of it has to do with them trusting you, but it also depends on the breed.

I know that ours are a little more open to being petted and handled now that they are reaching the age of laying. Hamburgs are notoriously flighty, but we have handled them since they were a day old and given them treats, followed them around and loved on them for the last 6 months. they are more approachable than Hamburgs that haven't had that.

But I know there are breeds that would probably be much more friendly with the treatment we have given ours at this point. I'm okay with that because we knew ahead of time what we were getting. I really love these guys, quirks and all!
I do think that a lot of it has to do with them trusting you, but it also depends on the breed.

I know that ours are a little more open to being petted and handled now that they are reaching the age of laying. Hamburgs are notoriously flighty, but we have handled them since they were a day old and given them treats, followed them around and loved on them for the last 6 months. they are more approachable than Hamburgs that haven't had that.

But I know there are breeds that would probably be much more friendly with the treatment we have given ours at this point. I'm okay with that because we knew ahead of time what we were getting. I really love these guys, quirks and all!

I think that you're correct, mine are Light Sussex and they're actually very docile and calm, nothing so far has scared them. If I nurture them more and as I said, sit in the run with them and give them treats, let them get use to me, they may then trust me and let me handle them. There's only one way to find out!
My cuckoo marans are super flighty, and I have trouble imagining a cuddly one. I can certainly see where certain breeds would be more social than others.
I think that you're correct, mine are Light Sussex and they're actually very docile and calm, nothing so far has scared them. If I nurture them more and as I said, sit in the run with them and give them treats, let them get use to me, they may then trust me and let me handle them. There's only one way to find out!

Yes, and you won't regret it! Getting to know them is so much fun. If I go out and sit on the ground I will be mobbed by mine for treats. They just don't like to feel "caught", but they will walk all over me and sit on my lap if they feel like it's their idea! Silly chickens. lol!
My cuckoo marans are super flighty, and I have trouble imagining a cuddly one. I can certainly see where certain breeds would be more social than others.

We had a Cuckoo Marans cockerel (sadly got killed by a bobcat), he was super friendly and while not cuddly, he was always under foot while I was outside with them and loved to eat treats out of my hand. I miss him.
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All of my cuddliest chickens were super outgoing as baby chicks, so if you're really wanting a cuddly chicken, go to someplace that has chicks this spring and look for chicks that are excited to meet you. Sweet Basil was so enthusiastic that she jumped into my hand when I put in it the brooder, and on the way out of the store, she was jumping up and pecking at my fingers through the box.
Rose likes to be picked up so she can clamber up to sit on our heads. We figured she is displaying her dominance. Fluffles loves a cuddle but only after she has led you a merry dance to get picked up. Shirley and Eleanor won't come anywhere near us
My chickens (cockerels) love being cuddled. I got them used to waiting at my door before bedtime to cuddle, for about half an hour or so, and then I put them back in their cage to sleep. Note that I usually leave them alone to free range in my backyard.

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