Do your chickens peck at your shoes and clothes?

Just curious about this behavior, which is fairly new. When I go into the run to clean up, visit my girls or whatever, the chickens flock around me, and peck at my clothes and even shoes. They'll stand on my feet to get at my pants. No harm to me, but I'm curious- is this typical behavior?
One of my girls, will do this for over half an hour if I don’t pull away. She does this to myself fabric pants, ugg boots, soft carpet, heck she even loved the soft mesh of my screen door. She has a little chip on her beak, she has been doing this for well over two years, and I think it also polishes their beak somehow. None of my flock do it as much as she does!
I had a Dark Brahma I dubbed Pecky because she was always taste testing everything. I ended selling all my Brahmas because they were just too underfoot all the time, they have zero fear or respect for personal space, they were big but easy to handle. The remaining flock doesn't peck, but I have a red sex link who will jump up to try and eat out of the treat cup, the first time she did it I spilled about half so I think that's her goal lol. She's just a butt, always escaping the chicken yard and trying to scratch around on the sidewalk in front of our house. I think part is what you let them get away with and part is just thier temperament.
My most tamed Bantam named Brownie will talk to me in her coaxing peep. If that doesn’t work, she’ll peck at me to pick her up.

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