do your chickens wander into your house

I don't have a chicken that does it, but I do have a duck that does!
My Rhode Island Red sits by the back door until we open it so she can come in. Though not welcome since she isn't house broken. She is very social and dog like in behavior.
My chickens used to run in the backdoor, grab a few bites of cat food and run back out again.
We now mended the yard fence so they can't get in the yard at all - to keep them safe from the dogs, so their days of being cat food thieves are over.
mine used to do that, when they were "free ranging" in the yard. Now they have their own roomy coop and nice large run, and are no longer able to hang out by the door. . . sure makes life easier for me.
I have a front door, 4 back doors (long house including the kitchen door) and a walkout basement door that we primarily use. Our pilgrim gander and BR tom will 'knock' on our door wanting in. We thought nah, they will move on if we open the door. Nope, we were wrong. They tried to walk in the house. The chickens don't try to come in but when they hear the kitchen door open, they come a runnin'! Foooooood!!!!
Mine hang out, under the mobile home, and without looking, know when I have left the door open...They will be exploring ever single nook and cranny.

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