do your chickens wander into your house

Ours want to...they hang out by the sliding door asking but we have two cats who would love to have chicken for dinner so they must stay out. My husband told me that you can actually order chicken diapers so you can let your chickens in the house and not worry about the "mess".
Yes! The coop is on one side of the house and the vege garden on the other. I walk them around the house to the garden, but when it is bedtime they simply walk straight through the house if the door is open! Grrr who left their calling card on the kitchen mat?
My Rhode Island Reds are constantly trying to coming in the house. They are on the deck and pecking at the glass door. They don't even care that my three dogs bark and jump at them. I have an injuried RIR living in my back hallway at night becuase the dogs did get her. She knows that every night I bring her in to change her bandages so she will come to the door before dark and just sit there until I bring her in. It is very cute but I don't know how she will take it when she ahs to start living in the coop again.
They can and they will. A child that I know and love dearly is constantly sneaking them in her bedroom. LOL
yup! I have one...Sweetie who walked in the house right into the ring of dogs bold as brass the other day! When I scooped her up and took her outside she protested.
If it's cold out they will come in our back door and sit on our rug. One day it was cloudy out, when the rain just come dumping down! I look up and see this big flock of white just come running towards the house! They all run in and just laid on the rug the rest the day. They were closer to their coop when they ran to the house,
We have good girls, becuase when they come in they don't disturb anything.

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