Does any body knows what are the parents for HY-LINE BROWN Chickens?

Thank you very much Michael. Looks like you know a lot about chickens
. I think you should charge people some money, sharing your info with them
Thank you very much Michael. Looks like you know a lot about chickens
. I think you should charge people some money, sharing your info with them

You're welcome. As I became more utilitarian over the years, my interest in I had an interest in commercial hybrids grew and I spent a considerable amount of time researching them, searching for the best egg layers possible.
I also asked you about White Rhode Island Roosters. What are they good for? Can I mix them with other breed? What are your top 5 hybrids? Do you keep roosters with hens or separately?
I also asked you about White Rhode Island Roosters. What are they good for? Can I mix them with other breed? What are your top 5 hybrids? Do you keep roosters with hens or separately?

Hello Michael, I hope I didn't offend you with my late email. If I did in any way, I'm sorry.
No, you didn't offend me in any way. I though I had answered your question, but I see you were asking about Rhode Island White roosters, not hens. RIW roosters can be crossed with any breed, but doing so will not give you Red Sex Links, just a mixed breed. It has to be the RIW hen crossed with a red gene rooster to get Red Sex Links. My top 5 hybrids are Black Sex Links, Red Sex Links, Austra Whites, California Whites, and Easter Eggers. If you consider Production Reds as a hybrid (not everyone does), I would put them in the list just ahead of EEs. When I've kept roosters over the years, I've kept them in with the hens (1 rooster for every 10-12 hens), however I've not had a rooster in a while. For some time now, whenever I've needed new birds, I've just ordered pullets from one of several hatcheries.
To be honest the chances of ever figuring out the breeds and the breeding of the breeds that make up the Hy-Line Brown or any of the other Hy-line strains is going to be slim to none.
I read some time back that there are at least 4 breeds that make up the Hy-Line Brown and could be up to 6 or more. So a simple cross of a Rhode Island Red and a Light Sussex will not get you a Hy-Line Brown.
It will give you a Red Sex-Link, and this cross is sometimes called a Bovans Goldline Hybrid.

Even though the Hy-Line is a Sex-Link that doesn't mean the it only has 2 breeds in its background.
If you want true Hy-line Browns get them from a good hatchery that are licensed to hatch and sell there line of fowl. Try Now if you just want to cross some birds to make a sex-link try the Rhode Island Red/ Light Sussex cross, there not bad but there no Hy-Line Brown ether.

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