does anyone do 4h?

mom wewantchicks!

11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
not sure if this is the right place to post,but..... i was just wondering if anyone did 4h with their chickens? this will be our first year and even the leader is a little lost since she hasnt ever had anyone in her group to do the chicken project. my dd was wanting to use her silkies to show,but so far everyone is doing egg laying.which is good and bad,good she would have no competition,and bad she would have no competition LOL
We are doing our first year of 4-H with chickens. We've done it with other projects before. I am going to the leader and my daughter will be the chick raiser. So we'll see how it goes. We are inexperienced too. But I'm excited for the babies! They will be here in 2 weeks!
We're in our second year of 4H. We came in last summer. My daughter had to join the Livestock club. They rairly talk poultry.
My two boys showed chickens this year for the first time with 4-H. All four won blue ribbons. Three won best of breed and of those three one won Reserve Champion Bantam (featherleg).
We are very active in 4H. Our oldest daughter is in her 5th year showing poultry, rabbits and goats. Our 2nd daughter is in her 2nd year showing poultry and rabbits. My husband was a 10 yr 4H member showing poultry, rabbits, goats & hogs and I showed horses.
We are also the poultry superintendents for our County fair in 4H, Jr and Open.
I am not sure if I could answer all your questions, but I would sure try.

The first thing I would do is contact your 4H extension office and find out who runs the poultry department for your county fair. They will know the class lineup for the show and let you know how the classes are split up and what you can and cannot show. They are there to answer questions and help.
Good luck,
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I did 4-H with horses for years when I was a kid. I was the only one in the horse club who owned a horse lol. I never did chickens, but I want to get my nephew in 4-H with a chicken or a baby goat this year, whatever he wants to do. It's a great program, I learned a lot, had fun, and all the community service projects my club did helped me get scholarships for college.
i did talk to the man in charge and he was even a little confused LOL. he said they didnt have anyone else registered to show just for exhibition,so if we did that we would have no compitiion which i didnt think would be much fun. he also said that they are looking for better judges this year because,in his words, noone really knows alot about chickens and usually just the biggest bird wins. that made no sense to me but,ok. we are on the first book,scratching the surface, we are going to do
snood or spur
pickin poultry
green eggs and ham
coming home to roost
chicken feed
a bird in hand
it all comes out in the wash
this probably makes sense to you with all the 4h you have done! we are egg-cited to start the project and i thought talking to some other people would help her out,and me!

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