Does anyone eat goat?

we used to raise goats when our children were little..

we called it poor man's venison..

it is lean and high in protein so it cannot be cooked fast with high heat, like venison.. the way to test any meat for flavor is to fry a piece of it.. frying will bring out the worst in meat..

we had an older billy goat who stunk so badly we had to stake him waaaay out in the field.. One day he went wild when we had him in a large pen.. he attacked my 12 year old son and would not settle down.. I shot the goat and dressed it out. I planned to feed it to the dogs a little at a time.. but DW cooked up a meal and it turned out to be the most tender and mild tasting meat.. the dogs got only scraps and leftovers from that goat.. then we had a young castrated goat that was less than a year old.. he was so clean, you could bury your nose in his fur.. we butchered him and it stunk so bad ,,,,,, that one went to the dogs.

but we butchered many many goats and only had that one bad one..

I love curried food, never tried it with goat, now I have to go hunting for a goat..

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