does anyone else use their 13 pound dogs to herd their flock into coop

Chicken Rich86

In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 14, 2010
I ask because I use my 3 dachshunds to herd the flock back in the coop in the evening after letting them free range in the yard. They work the chickens great.They don't even nip at them and cut out the turkeys and geese like border collies. It only took three months to train them.
My 25 lb Boston Terrier thinks she is one of the flock. Top dog so to speak. There is always a stare down, where the dog usually is the victor.... There were many times she wasn't paying attention and got her rear end pecked... but that was when the birds were younger... they know better now!
Are your doxies minis ? My mini wire-hair used to chase the chicks until he was soundly flogged by my Big Blue Orp #5. The other day, I gave him a nice big juicy beef bone and 5 and his ladies came to investigate. A fight ensued. 5 ended up with the bone. I was laughing so hard, I had tears rolling down my face. Then I rescued the bone from 5 and let Hunter take it in the house and eat it in peace.

I would really like to know how you trained them to herd.
My 70 pound lab-mix herds mine (even when I don't ask!
) but overall does a great job and is very proud of it. sometimes he herds them back to the coop before I even get them out!!! He loves it. He can't wait to "help" me with them every afternoon when I get home from work.
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I just discovered today that my 90+ pound Newf puppy is teaching herself to herd my chickens and ducks. I already knew she wouldn't purposely hurt them, she caught my drake when she was really little and proceeded to sit with her front paw on his back looking at me wondering what she was supposed to do with him now that he had stopped running. She got a thorough talking to for that. Now she still overzealously chases them some, but I can tell her to 'wait' or give her a direction and she will actually drive them. I am so glad for the help. Of course the collie, who 'should' be helping herd, sits and watches from the sidelines.
I think a little dog would get beat up with my birds though. The little beagle mix from down the road got thoroughly beaten by my RIR rooster. The little dogs won't come anywhere near them anymore.
NO, mines to big, he's a 20 pound Schnauzer. But he herds em, and finds em when they are hiding out on me, protects them by chasing off hawks. Ducks head for their house when we go gather the flock and send them to their run. So we don't have to do anything with them but lock the door. He'll catch or herd quail back to the pen too, if one gets out when I'm messing around. Evidently once they touch ground, they have to be herded. Coming to the ground though they can be caught and brought to the front of the pen.

He trained himself. He is so good at reading my mind. I always bring him when I am with my birds.
He does love to run through their midst when they are all in a huddle pecking for goodies. FUN stuff.

But I am wondering if I should get a pup and let him train it bacause he is 9 years old now.

edited the spelling cause it didn't make sense.
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