Does Anyone Embroider Their Own Quilt Labels?


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
I'm making a quilt for my grown niece and I wanted a label for the back. I know I can use muslin and just write what I want on it and whipstitch it to a back corner, but wanted suggestions for something a bit more special. No idea what to do. I know I can order personalized labels with my name, but the labels are premade and not with my own sentiment. I just can't afford to pay someone $12-20 for one label, like I've seen with online special order ones.

Was thinking I wanted to include stuff like:

Made Especially for Ranee with Love
Machine Piece & Hand Quilted

I may just wimp out and order some of those premade ones for cheap.

These come in a set of 40 for about $10:

I always label the quilts I make by hand. Normally it is something along the lines of "Made especially for <NAME> by <Name>" and the date I put that last stitch in. Sometimes I sign it with my real name or use whatever family name the recipient has for me as a middle name, Gramma, Aunt Ninny, etc. A lot of times I do not bother with making it an actual label but stitch it right onto the quilt proper. Usually in the lower right hand corner in small tiny embroidery stem stitch.
I always put labels on my quilts. For my photo quilt I had the copy store make a small photo on muslin of myself at about 5 years of age. This photo was in my grandmother's picture box that I found a few years ago; I had never seen it. That store also copied my photos on muslin for me. This was back in 2000 before photo copying could be done at home. I finished the quilt in 2008.

I have also made a label that matched a quilt piece such as a star. Since I make mostly novelty fabric wall quilts, I try to find a piece like what is on the quilt top.

I usually put this info on mine when I give it away:

Created especially for Jane Doe
Anywhere, USA
Jane Smith
Mayfield, USA
November 10, 2011

On my sister's wall quilt I put a small photo of her and also by the maker, me, with dates of the photos.

What quilt pattern are you using? I made a butterfly quilt. The pattern was in The New England Quilt Museum Quilts by Jennifer Gilbert. It is the only quilt that I had long arm quilted. On this one I made a smaller version of the butterfly and also included the name of the quilter.

I prefer homemade labels. Could we see your quilt? I love your work.
Thanks for the suggestions! countrylady, nice ideas! This one is a medallion style quilt, designed from a center Carpenter's Wheel (or Carpenter's Star, can't remember which one this is) and I just made it up as I went outward, border by border. I tend to get bored making one block over and over so I just design as I go so the end result is a surprise to me.

I have almost all the center medallion quilted already. Here it is in progress:



Cyn, if you can do simple cross stitch, you can make a label with a square of Aida cloth and some heavy thread or floss.

I can put some Aida in the mail to you if you like.
Please don't put a label on it. Just embroider what you want to say in the lower corner. Our ancestral quilters never had purchased labels, however they are customized.
Terrie, I don't even know what Aida cloth is. I don't cross stitch, only quilt. I'm not very crafty, am I? Thank you, though! If worse comes to worse, I'll buy some nice pre made cloth labels and get permanent marker for them.
they'reHISchickens :

Please don't put a label on it. Just embroider what you want to say in the lower corner. Our ancestral quilters never had purchased labels, however they are customized.

I don't know how to embroider, that's the problem.
Gorgeous! My favorite color just happens to be purple. I have yet to make a purple quilt but there is one in my future.

You could take the light print and use it as a border with light pink in the center--a triangle, for a label. I guess how that would look would depend on your backing, though.

What a lucky niece.

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