Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

I use a very large bucket or a 50 gallon drum and put bird seed in 1/4 full. Make a ramp to the rim and the mice usually jump in for the food. They can't get out. Then I catch them in a tin can and let them go elsewhere. I don't have a mice problem, but it works great for the occassional ones that get into my garage or basement.
NO ONE likes to listen to my way(even though it works, it takes a touch more effort). I use Victor mouse snap traps(have for 24 years and have NEVER had a mouse "problem") I bait the trap and put it in a cardboard box big enough for the trap to snap(appx.8" high) the box is sealed up but has a 1' hole for mouse to enter. cheap, most humane. WORKS. make sure the trap is positioned so mouse enters towards bait. drownings not nice or quick.

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