Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

the lone rhubarb

In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
The beautiful rolling countryside
I have a large coop, almost a small building with a dirt floor (no foundation) and mice are eating all my feed!!!!
They come out at night, and eat alooooot of my expensive feed!!! It is in a regular hanging feeder. I can't hang
it up at night, as I'm usually busy. I have it as high as the birdies can reach, and I'm pretty sure that the mice
are kangaroo mice (they can jump really high) so that doesn't help much. (ha ha) Does anyone know of a poison
that won't hurt the birdies if the mice push it out of their holes? I can't waste money feeding the pesky mice. But
also I don't want the birdies to be without food or poisoned!!! Thanks!!!!!

Does your cat get along with your chickens? If you have one? If so I would just lock Tiger in with the chickens a couple of nights. That may do it. I had just one get in my coop and I stomped him, scooped him up and tossed him over the fence. I do set traps though. You can do this too, just put it under a board that's high enough but one the chickens can't get under.
I have caught 4 in one little live trap with a couple pieces of dog food. Then I fed them to my snake, but if you don't have a snake you can take them off and turn them out elsewhere.
you could set mouse traps at nigth, but only after the chickens have gone up to roost, and take it down very early in the a.m. before the chickens come down off the roost.
Well thanks all!!!!! I didn't mention that I do have a mouse trap, (live), but there are so many that they just breed and
breed and breed!!!! I will try to live trap, and a little kill trap, a little more.
Wish me luck and thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
"Does anyone know of a way to safely exterminate mice"

Not for the mice! lol

As stated, traps, cats, etc... Traps can be placed in small boxes, against the walls, with holes in both ends for the mice. Mice tend to run against the walls anyway and then the boxed traps can be left in there during the day. As long as you have feed, you will probably have mice. New will move into to replace the ones you kill. I've had mixed results with the Tomcats.
I had that problem too.......

I tryed those live mouse was gross I had two in the trap!....(shudders)

I have herd about this but did not try it......... stale pepsi and peanut butter.... I was told they cant fart so it kills them ...

I stopped feeding mine in the coop. That seemed to help, that and my 4 cats who always shared with me, the nights kill!!!!!

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