Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

Oh your not a twisted person I liked that idea too!! Well as to my past attempts, still no luck!!!! I left the trap out
again last night, but no mice. I also have a live trap set with catfood. No luck on that either. Well I suppose that I
miiight spend a liiiittle money on some kill snap traps that would just break their necks!!!! Wa ha ha ha!!!!! Well
it wouldn't be mean just get rid of them quickly. I'm not sure, but I think that since it is summer they are less
dependant on my feed so they don't come around so much. I guess that I might just have to resume trapping and
killing in the winter
Of course they're around all year, but they can't find food so easily in the winter. Well I
suppose that you can leave this thread now if you want, (I'll still be updating it
!!), cause I probably won't catch
. But thanks to all who gave they're input I really appreciated it!!!!
And if you don't want to leave you
don't have to cause I will still be on here for a while. I love BYC!!!!!!!!!!!!
We live in an old farmhouse. When we first moved in there were mice EVERYWHERE. Hubster used to call me "The Mouse Slayer" cuz when he came home from work and I'd brag about my daily bounty. I used old fashioned snap traps and would get a few each nite.

Now that we have the coop, and snap traps aren't an option, I'll try the potato flake and floating sunflower methods.

Great thread....THX!
Hey guys!!!! Sorry I haven't written in a long time!!!! But I have been trying to catch mice!!!
And guess what???? Today I caught my first mouse!!!! But I have terrible news. I went out
a few minutes ago and I found one in my new "Pic" brand easy set snap trap. The terrible
part is that it was like only snapped by a little bit. I think that it had been snapped on it's
insides earlyer in the night though.
It was alive, and moving, but not in a good way. So I
tryed to get the cats to take it, but they wouldn't take it.
So I had to do what I dreeeaded
having to do: drown it. So I took it down to the pond, tied it to a rock with some grass, and
set it in the water. Uhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I watched the little bubbles come up, as it fadded away.
I FELT TERRIBLE!!!!!!!! Then I picked up, and buried it in my newly concerated mouse grave
yard. I put ferns in the bottem as a bed, and some wild flowers on the headstone. Well I hope
you enjoyed my tale of woe, ha ha!!! I mean, they do steal feed, but I don't want them to
suffer in death. Yes, I know that I'm a drama queen lol!! But it waaas a really terrible experience.
I hope that none of you have to do it, but it made me feel better that he had a nice burial.

I would go for the fast kill with a spade. What usually gets them that way is if they are not in the center when the darn trap goes off. I glue the bait (sunflower seed) to the tripper with white glue. That gets you a better kill rate.
I don't use peanut butter for various reasons. It may attract bees/wasps due to the sugar in it, it can be licked off without getting the mice, and we are dealing mainly with field mice that feed on seeds so this is more familiar to them.

Forgot to mention I have two live traps in the house and there I do use peanut butter.

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