Does anyone know whats going on with the universal health care bill?

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Walking Wolf, What do suggest my Mother do to afford Xeloda for her breast cancer? Should she turn over her home, car and what is left of her savings to the State or Government so she can be considered a homeless person and therefore be able to receive medication and treatment? She is 65. The $2,000 she has to come up with every three weeks to pay for Xeloda is in addition to what Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medicare will pay.

There are definitely levels of care in the battle against cancer. She has a GREAT Dr right now and she has a lot of confidence in him. Another realtor went with a local Dr because she did not want to drive as far for treatment and was dead in 6 months. She was only stage 2. My Mom started out at Stage 3 with a 96% chance of being dead within 5 years and so far she has made it 8. That is completely due to the level of care she has thus been able to afford.
45% of current practicing physicians in a recent poll say they will most likely retire if UHC is passed.

Good luck getting into your doctor or finding one.
I have had this discussion with several doctors, we(govt) cannot afford to provide more than what is already being provided. It is cost not insurance that is the problem. If the Gov wants to pay for it then I have no problem with that. Nobody else does either, but where is this money going to come from? Realistically they are not looking at controlling cost but controlling people, do you believe they will approve what you are asking? Obama has already made two statements on this that makes his intentions very clear. Again I am not against a public option, just paying for it and having it forced on me. So far my insurance has paid out over a 1/4 million dollars on me without question, I have come no where near that in premiums, where is the big profit we all hear about?

I have sympathies and my heart goes out to you for your mother, but massive taxation hinders the generosity that is much more efficient than the government handling things. You might get the medicine when it is too late if the govt has control. And why does the govt not help you now, have you sent correspondence to Obama, I would he can help you now.

And again my wishes that she recovers and as much as possible is done. But please forgive me the doctors themselves say that someone has to make tough choices for affordable health care. Who do you want making these choices, a bureaucrat in Washington, or the doctors and family directly involved?
I have had this discussion with several doctors, we(govt) cannot afford to provide more than what is already being provided. It is cost not insurance that is the problem. If the Gov wants to pay for it then I have no problem with that. Nobody else does either, but where is this money going to come from? Realistically they are not looking at controlling cost but controlling people, do you believe they will approve what you are asking? Obama has already made two statements on this that makes his intentions very clear. Again I am not against a public option, just paying for it and having it forced on me. So far my insurance has paid out over a 1/4 million dollars on me without question, I have come no where near that in premiums, where is the big profit we all hear about?

I have sympathies and my heart goes out to you for your mother, but massive taxation hinders the generosity that is much more efficient than the government handling things. You might get the medicine when it is too late if the govt has control. And why does the govt not help you now, have you sent correspondence to Obama, I would he can help you now.

And again my wishes that she recovers and as much as possible is done. But please forgive me the doctors themselves say that someone has to make tough choices for affordable health care. Who do you want making these choices, a bureaucrat in Washington, or the doctors and family directly involved?

I don't think the doctors nor the patients get to make many of the big decisions on their own, My Dr will say I need one thing and my insurance has to review and approve it, sometimes the do sometimes they don't. But it has been out of our hands for quiet
some time now.
Happychic do you really think you will have more control with a unfeeling bureaucrat?

Obama has said three things, twice he has said that family should let their kin die as opposed to keeping them alive, he sees this as a problem. And he has made the claim it will not cost anymore money, just cutting fraud. What do you think he considers fraud, peoples life? I have talked to several doctors and they all have said somebody has to die for his program to work. I am sorry to put it that bluntly but most people realize this, and it is true however cruel to bring health care costs down. Do we want Obama making that decision for us, when he and his fellow politicians will not even sigh up for his own program.

It is so easy to blame anybody that makes any money, but this is America and that is what doing business is about. Right now insurance is not making as much money as Obama and Axlerod would have you believe, But even if they were it is wrong and marxist to suggest they do not have the right to earn. The thing that keeps their earnings in check is competition, and Obama does not want to remove the barriers to that competition, Strange!

Do you find it odd that all of these big shots pushing this plan are not going to be enrolled in it? I do!
The reason i asked this is because i have infertility issues..and i was worried about loosing my health ins coverage for it if universal health care gets passed.
Right now in some states its not mandated that ins. companies cover infertility. But, thankfully in MA..its a mandated state. Dont get me wrong, we still have to jump through hoops for the ins company..but at least its mostly covered. (except for donor eggs..which is what i need, of course.
) But, at least the other parts of my IVF are covered..
Red here is my and possibly your problem if your insurance is provided by the employer. Your providor is paid by the company anywhere from 25% to 75%. The health care penalty to not provide it is 8%, you do the math. So far this administration has a very very pro choice agenda, where do you think the few dollars are going to go? Do you even think providing for everybody they can support anything not normally covered?

Axlerod, Pelosi, and Obama are painting this Utopia that cannot exist or at least very long without crushing our country in debt. They know this, but call anybody who speaks out a LIAR or a dissident, sound familiar? It has come to the point that he has called us extremists and asked other Americans to turn us in on the white house web site at one point. Does this sound American? If he is actually bringing us utopia, and he is speaking the truth why is he using these strong arm tactics? I am very bothered by the direction this administration is taking about our free speech. How can we trust anybody that puts that much effort into silencing it's own citizens?

Any program the gov puts into effect should be tested on the white house and congress first.
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Mongolia had national health care (for humans and horses) during the communist era. After the communists went out of power in the mid 1990s, people couldn't afford health care and wanted it back.

I worked in Kazakhstan 10 to 12 years after the break up ofthe USSR. That was long enough for the people to start having selective memories about living under the Russian yoke. In the USSR, they did have universal health insurance, a certain amount of education for everyone, including advanced education if you could pass the exams, subsidized but rationed food and housing. They did not have the freedom and chances to advance that we have, but they did not have the same chance at failure either. I called Kazahkstan "The Land of the Golden Smile" because so many people had gold teeth from the days of free dental care. There are benefits and disadvantages to the different systems. I personally like ours.

We are not Communist or Fascist but somewhere sort of in between with elements of both and some major differences to both. We take parts of both systems, stir it up with a lot of freedom, and create our own system. I do believe you cannot have a chance to succeed if you don't have a chance to fail.

i wish i was payed half as much a an insurance C E O that is why we pay so high prices

This forms a tiny component of the high prices, but if you look at the actual numbers, it is a tiny component. I agree they are not worth what they get paid, but our capitalist system allows it. I think this is one of those emotional hot button smoke and mirrors issues that some people throw out to get a rise out of people and deflect people away from a real conversation on the real problems that can make a significant difference. Do you want the government setting their wages? Do you want the government setting yours?

I may not agree with WalkingWolf on a few things, but I think it would be great if elected officials had to follow the same health care we did. Most of them are pretty rich and can afford better insurance than most of us can anyway, but having to experience the inconvenience and actually seeing the cost would help.

So america will have healthcare like over here in England?? where we dont have to pay?

Somebody pays, whether it is directly out of pocket, out of taxes, out of quality of care, out of inconveneice, out of medical research and advances, somehow somebody pays. If nobody had to pay, George Washington would have signed it into law in this country. I knew Brits that go dental work done in Nigeria as opposed to going through the British national program. And when I worked in England, part of my paycheck went directly to taxes to pay for national health.
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