Does Anyone Use Wing Bands?

Wonders if @ChickenCanoe is still around, he might use wing bands or have knowledge about them.
I use wing bands exclusively now. For years I used colored, numbered bandettes but they kept getting lost. If I didn't replace them frequently enough, too many would be lost to know who was who. I resisted wing bands because as @aart noted, you have to handle the bird to read the number. My system for using the bandettes was to go with the same color system as used for queen bee colors. This way I could tell the age of a bird from afar. They were fairly easy to read the number from a distance. The red bands were too difficult to read the number from a distance so I substituted orange for years 3 and 9.

After losing control with the bandettes, I needed more control.
I finally relented and went to wing bands.
Like @Punkybrewster, I wait till they are a couple weeks old to apply the wing bands and if I need to differentiate at hatch, I use colored zip ties temporarily. You are supposed to be able to apply the wingbands to day olds but once I put the band through the elbow joint and had to amputate so that was the last time I did it so young.
I was told a long time ago that any serious breeder uses wing bands.
I use the Jiffy type. They also come in colors and if you get contrasting color numbers, they are fairly easy to read when holding the bird. The plain metal ones are a little hard to read the numbers on (for an old guy). At least they are permanent for the bird's entire life - unlike leg bands.
I really liked my bandette routine and even went so far as to get duplicates of everything but still couldn't keep up with those being lost.
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At least they are permanent for the bird's entire life - unlike leg bands.

And it won't turn into a problem when I sell a bird to someone and if I'm tired and frazzled at the end of the day and forget to cut the ziptie off.

I don't know how *serious* a breeder I am, but I do want to keep some kind of flock records.

This is what we used on the farm in Hertforshire years ago but the tip was wider. It needed redoing from time to time.

Thanks for the note from experience.
@3KillerBs — did you end up going with wing bands? I’m seriously contemplating it so I can keep track of the meat birds better, since I’m going to want to keep info about parents, weights at butchering age, egg laying rate, etc and was wondering what your experience has been if you went with them…
@3KillerBs — did you end up going with wing bands? I’m seriously contemplating it so I can keep track of the meat birds better, since I’m going to want to keep info about parents, weights at butchering age, egg laying rate, etc and was wondering what your experience has been if you went with them…

I haven't started using them yet.

I know I *should* but haven't pulled the trigger yet. :D
I haven't started using them yet.

I know I *should* but haven't pulled the trigger yet. :D
I pulled the trigger…OMG, it is so EASY! You should just do it!

Only downside is those bands are so small, trying to move enough feathers out of the way to read them one handed (because you’re holding the chicken with the other hand) can be challenging…
I pulled the trigger…OMG, it is so EASY! You should just do it!

Only downside is those bands are so small, trying to move enough feathers out of the way to read them one handed (because you’re holding the chicken with the other hand) can be challenging…
Very true.
I struggle with this every time :) But no mistaking who they are once I can read it.

I put different colored zip ties on the legs of my special ones if I can't identify them by sight. It makes it easier to spot them quickly. Then I just confirm with their wing number.

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