Does it ever feel like work?


I am not a fan of house work either. lol

totally agree!

Now yesterday when I had to do some coop work in the rain, it felt like work, but I was excited to re organize and fix up.

I have been reorganizing my flock as well so there are some stresses with introductions and what not, but all in all it will be really exciting when everything works out.

On to give my new hens a bath... lol work or hilarity??

I had to do that once and I was so nervous. The only reason I was able to leave them was knowing the person taking care of them takes care of a small farm at home. He is pretty much the perfect person to call when you need a pet sitter because he is in charge of 5-9 different types of animals on a daily basis and treats them like his own kids. If it wasnt for him, I would never go on vacation
The hardest part for me to get used to has been making sure I'm home around dark to put everybody away for the night. Especially in the winter with it getting dark SO early! But I think it's a blast. I'm amazed by how easy it generally is to take care of chickens. I'm loving it so much I'm incubating 27 Marans eggs right now (crossing my fingers!) and am picking up 15 Marans chicks come spring. Now just have to get on to building more coops!
The past few days have been a bit demanding. Here is my list

Take down partition
Re distribute shavings
Move nest
Fix roost
Find eggs
Hang new hanging nest
Start vitamin supplement
Start ACV in water
Bathe new girls (a lemon serama and a parti silkie)
Trim up bottom of lazy Barred Rock
Maybe give porcelain a bath
Discipline if seen easter egger pecking
Try to make a gutter for water to run down

So yeah a bit of work, but it is fun work and you feel accomplished at the end of the day.

My DH thinks I am crazy though.
So i went to trim my one hens rear feathers... she then jumped down like a crazy person, broke her toe nail and then proceeded to bleed ALL OVER my bathroom... my bathroom looked like a scene out of dateline....
Before my retirement I had a motto that I believe is relevant to the OP's question, "The only reason that I work is so that I can afford to do what I want to the rest of the time."

Work is what you do because you have to, the rest should be fun. Does it hurt when you do that? Than don't do that!


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