Does it ever feel like work?

Yep. It's my 2nd job.
eh, it can feel like work but one can still enjoy doing it.
I love my job, its work, but I dont always have to like it.
I love my animals, and take care of them because of that, even if it felt like work all the time I would still do it, because I care about them. Same goes for my kids, even when they were a lot of work I still did it because of love and obligation.
Even if you don't love your animals and taking care of them is work, you still do it out of obligation.
I know someone with chickens that downrigh hates the work, and doesn't even like the chickens much. She cares for them very well out of a sense of obligation. She keeps them for big control and eggs. They aren't pets to be loved and coddled. But they are cared for very well.
eh, it can feel like work but one can still enjoy doing it.
I love my job, its work, but I dont always have to like it.
I love my animals, and take care of them because of that, even if it felt like work all the time I would still do it, because I care about them. Same goes for my kids, even when they were a lot of work I still did it because of love and obligation.
Even if you don't love your animals and taking care of them is work, you still do it out of obligation.
I know someone with chickens that downrigh hates the work, and doesn't even like the chickens much. She cares for them very well out of a sense of obligation. She keeps them for big control and eggs. They aren't pets to be loved and coddled. But they are cared for very well.

Well said stargazingmommy.

I hear some parents say that taking care of their kids and family feels like work. I should tell them to do their kids and family a favor and let someone else have them .
Wow, it must suck having to carry water for the chickens. I guess I'm pretty lucky; we not only have a hose near all the birds but also found a plastic sink on the side of the road and set it up with a hose spiltter
It doesn't get cold here, either. The past month it hasn't been much cooler than 40 degrees

Oh, We have a hose close by. But it's frozen solid.
It feels like work when it is cold and raining and I am out in the chicken shed doing a massive clean.Oh but once it is done,and there is the scent of clean pine in the air,and the chickens are scoping out the new set's all good.

At the start of the clean I am crabby,but by the end I am happy. Regardless I would not get rid of the chickens.Even dealing with feather picking,prolapses,and egg binding.... I still like having them. Lol,poor dogs got bumped from the top of my favorites list.Well on the top is my kitten cat,and then the chickens and then guinea pigs,and then the dogs.Dogs still beat out the mean rabbit that bites me.

I did the hot water jugs for 2 years too. Now it is just hot water in the waterer.
I have yet to feel as though taking care of my girls is a chore. I love getting up in the quiet, early morning hours and hear them start squeaking when they hear me coming to let them out. Every morning I clean the poo from the coop and my smallest BO Toby comes into the coop to me like a kid with their arms outstretched, to pick her up. She likes to be zipped up inside my jacket while I do chicken chores. Completely zipped in and sound asleep... she's so sweet! I warm her up and she warms my heart!
The evenings have been so frigid, and the skies perfectly crystal clear when I go out to put them to bed. Without them, I would have no reason to go out and see the beautiful starry sky or experience regularly how refreshing crisp air feels in my lungs. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I do a full cleanup of the coop and run. I am greatful for the eggs they provide me (cooking in the fry pan right now) in exchange for a well cared for life. Chickens are not a chore to me. They truly are therapy.
The only time it has felt like work is when I had a stomach bug.
they were molting so I didn't have to worry about eggs, but that was the pits.
When I had the farm with my DDH and he was going through Chemo, we had 9 horses two cats and three dogs and lived an hour west of work/Hospital and I had a full time job. THAT was work. Nothing will ever be that black again.
So I guess it is all relative.
Wow, it must suck having to carry water for the chickens. I guess I'm pretty lucky; we not only have a hose near all the birds but also found a plastic sink on the side of the road and set it up with a hose spiltter
It doesn't get cold here, either. The past month it hasn't been much cooler than 40 degrees

Oh, We have a hose close by. But it's frozen solid.

Same with me

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