Does Mating Season Ever End????

My Rouen drake is almost in full eclipse plumage but he still is chasing my poor ducks around to mate and I think they are finally getting sick of it. Even his partner is shoving him off. One of our poor mallards seems to be a favourite and the back of her head is almost bald. Does it ever stop? Can I give him some estrogen or something?
I think my poor little Josephine needs a hoody.

Seriously tho, does mating season ever end?

We have pekins. Initially we had 1 hen and 3 drakes. They were close to killing her; so, we've kept her with 1 drake and closed the other guys into our pen. we ordered 7 pekin female ducklings. They are about 1/2 grown and have been kept in the pen with the 2 drakes. Yesterday, one little girl was covered in mud and had welts on either side of her head. Today a different little girl was covered in mud and the feathers on the back of her head were gone. The solution for tonight is close all 3 drakes in one stall (converted horse stalls) and all of the ladies in a different stall. In the morning we'll let the girls and 1 drake out to free range. The other guys can stay in the yard. We're at 4-5 months of this madness. If this doesn't at least slow some it may be time to find out what pekins taste like (nah, I'll try to find a new home-anyone near Arnaudville Louisiana?)
I have a six month old male Pekin in the house. He is inside 24/7 and wears diapers. He jumps eveyone; dog, cat, myself, and my boyfriend. He will grab your feet before you know it. I just got a Muscovy about 3 wks ago. Kind of hope it's a girl. It'd be nice if he had a girlfriend and I really don't want two boys coming after me! I would guess that it will continue year round. He seems to be more jumpy in the evenings. My boyfriend laughs at me cause when I push him away I always say " I'm not your girlfriend I'm your Mom"

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