Does my gosling stand a chance?


Jul 16, 2017
hi, I have adopted a gosling from a local nursery (she had 1 in her garden) she is small for her supposed age, told me she's 4-5 weeks but she's the size of a 2 week old. She's lively enough and eating well now I have her indoors with proper bedding, a heat source and crumb and grass rather than wet cereal but her crop never seems full. Is that a bad sign? I've only ever had chickens so am on new ground here. Thanks in advance.
She will probably be fine. What are you feeding? Are you supplementing niacin? Can you find another gosling? Geese need to have a friend of their own species. Or at least get her some ducklings until you can get anther gosling?
Thanks, I'll look up niacin today and sort getting some asap. She's on grass (we have her outside when it's sunny and a clod in her indoor pen to peck at, a few kale leaves and chick crumb (which is suitable for goslings, unmedicated) We have her inside the house at the minute as the only shed has chickens in it which would peck her to death and I still too small to give them all a good space of segmented, but we plan on getting a similar age gosling in August when we can move her outdoors safely (not a single adult feather yet, and we don't know the species). She's looking better though, standing taller and preening properly.

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