Does my pullet look healthy?


5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Chesapeake, VA
I actually have 2 questions. In the picture are 2 buff orpingtons both are supposed to be pullets. I think one may be a roo and the other one looks kind of sickly to me. I'm not sure if it's because the others waddles and crown are much more red or if she is in fact sick. Thoughts anyone?

The one on the left is the one I was worried about looking sick. Can you tell from that pic? I know it's not the best I'll try to get another but for some reason she's the only one that doesn't like having her picture taken.
Yep the one on the right is a roo but the one on the left is looking a little down and try feeding a hard boiled egg for a week just remove shell and mash egg and serve if the chickens do not eat it then something is wrong and the egg has plenty of protein vitamin B-3 and niacin all good for your hen and if you give them a antibiotics then make sure you add the egg into the diet to replace minerals the antibiotics seem to take along the way ....

I have no idea of your feed program but pullets need protein and turkey grow has plenty and are you putting anything into the water .....
I'm also new to backyard chickens, but from what I've read you shouldn't give pullets layer feed until after their first eggs. Continue to feed them the crumble until they start to lay. The chicken farmer that I bought my pullets from also says this. Apparently the extra calcium and other stuff in the layer feed can be too much for the pullets and can actually build up in their system and cause internal damage. I too thought that I should feed my pullets layer feed at first, but when one of them died suddenly with no signs of sickness I did a bunch of research and found what I already mentioned. I switched to crumbles and the rest of my flock seemed to really perk up - I didn't know that they could get even more lively than they already were. Now they are maturing very well and developing nice red combs and waddles.
I've never had a buff orpington, but Ethyl looks pretty pale to me. I'm going to second the suggestion of giving them egg. I've also seen people suggest that you feed yogurt to chickens. If she's having some sort of digestion problem, yogurt might help. Mine are "scared" of yogurt, but if I sprinkle about a tablespoon full of scratch on the top, they eat an entire container of Greek yogurt before they realize they're doing so.

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