Does this duck look egg bound, or just injured?


Aug 24, 2021
Please see video!
She's limping along, and I think she hasn't laid an egg in 2 days - not sure if it's egg bound or stressed from being injured in general. (I have three ducks and they usually lay daily, I'm suspicious that the missing egg is this duck given the scenario). I've never dealt with an egg bound bird, so I'm not sure what I'm looking for.
Thanks for your advice!
I only have runners who have such a different stance that they don't look anything like that when they are egg-bound. Their butt usually drags and their long necks make an "S" shape. See picture. That certainly doesn't mean yours isn't.

What I would do is give her some calcium gluconate, 1ml orally twice a day to see if she lays an egg. It won't hurt her and it's always good to have on hand anyway. Refrigerate after opening it. Tractor Supply will have it.
I'm sorry My computer has been off and on so I have been hit or miss.
Do you know how she may have been injured? When my Muscovy was egg-bound she wasn't out foraging she was laying off by herself. I don't know if this is the norm but when egg bound they spend a lot of time in the nest trying to lay. Their vent will pulse and their tail will go up and down.
If you suspect she is having trouble passing an egg long warm soaks in the tub along with Liquid Calcium Gluconate can really help. There is also orturator paralysis which is when the egg presses on nerves in the back that can cause them to be lame or walk with a limp like your girl.
some info to go along with what @DuckyDonna said
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