Does this product sound safe to use with ducks?


10 Years
Jul 10, 2009
We are going to use a 40 gallon stock tank as a 'swimmin hole' for the ducks (3 or 4 Swedish). I found this product on the same site that sells the stock tanks. In the description it says it's "completely safe for horses, cattle, and other livestock, as well as humans, pets, birds, and fish", so I'm guessing it would be ok for ducks. Has anyone used it?
Well there's a short lost on my mind of things that would be unsafe. 1. Something used for chemicals (i.e. half an old drum, or a cut open oil tank). 2. Something without an exit ramp. 3. something that might break easily i.e. an inflatable pool. 4. Something that might leach chemicals or oil over time i.e. old railway ties.

I wouldn't get too worked up about it. It's safe.
It might do as it says and release bacteria that helps break down nitrates, but it won't do anything for the dirt/sludge that will build up in the bottom of your pool. If I remember correctly, nitrates break down down to nitrites by aerobic bacteria. You'll need anaerobic bactria to break down the nitrites. The bottom line, water changes will still be required for any artificial pond.
Read it twice now and it never even mentions nitrates-nitrites even so, I agree with your bottom line, water changes will be needed, the question remains How often?
To clarify in aquariums and any other body of water ammonia is produced by waste and decaying stuff. This is broken down into nitrites and later into nitrates. In most closed systems this as far as mother nature can go although in some tanks especially marine ones other bacteria found in live rock continues to break down nitrates. Live plants help to eliminate those toxic chemicals in the water and out compete algae by breaking ammonia apart before waiting for it to be converted to nitrate where the algae use it as fertilizer. The only way to conventionally remove nitrates is to do water changes, although they do have nitrate removing substrate for aquarium filters. I do not know of any that have been made for pond filters.

And I don't really think anything but an ol' fashioned cleaning is going to help a duck pond.
I personally would not bother with it. I have a 300 gallon pond and still have to change the water weekly due to the dirt and sludge build up. I run a UV clarifier to help keep algae blooms down but that's it. The product is probably safe if they claim it to be but it won't keep the water clean from all the things that ducks add to it.

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