Does this seem like a coincidence? Possible stolen picture...

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Well, I just double checked Google. When I search "sebright bantam" my picture doesn't come up, but if I search "sebright chicken" it does come up. It then leads back to BYC. Guess that explains how they found it...
Look at the spurs. Theirs points down and yours or pointing out. Personally I think that it is a stretch to try to make the connection between your picture and the one on their product.

I did a google search for golden sebright and there are around 38,500 results for images many of which could be used as inspiration for their image.

I love Silver Sebrights btw. They are my favorite breed.
I have googled Marans and one of my pictures of my Maran rooster is in the image. i have only posted it here. And when you click on the image it sends you too the forum I posted at. So I just try to keep my kids out of my posted pictures.
It's a Sebright - that's what they look like.
Spurs and comb are different from those on your rooster.
It seems like a pretty generic drawing of a seabright to me. All golden seabrights are colored similarly, and there are only so many poses.
I think it is a coincidence. Your rooster probably looks much like many others of the same breed, as it should if it is a good example of the breed.
I think it is a coincidence. Your rooster probably looks much like many others of the same breed, as it should if it is a good example of the breed.

But it's NOT a good example of the breed. He is a hatchery quality bird. There are many better birds out there that they could have used. Why not use a sebright that has a shorter more rounded back? I'm looking at the body type here. MY rooster's back is more square where the back meets the base of the neck and tail. Why not use any of the pictures from Feather Site?

Like this one:

or this one?


OR any of these found on Google:
I still think it is a coincidence. To me, the drawing doesn't look exactly like the posted picture, it just looks like a sebright. Maybe it is just my untrained eye though as I have never bred sebrights so they pretty much all look the same to me.
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