Does your spouse or significant other support your chicken hobby?

That's what I plan to do with the fish cooler, use it as a hatcher. I have plants coming today, I hope they send them in another cooler :fl

Not that I know what I would do with three incubators, but....I'm sure I'll think something!
Yes. In fact, he's the one who enabled it! I had talked about it for years, but one day he sat down and did the research, drew up the plans for the coop/run, and laid it out with a "This is how we can do it, and look how easy it will be!".

The rest, as they say, is history!
My husband knew that when we got married I wanted chickens. He built me a chicken coop and 3 years later I have 40 hens and a decent egg selling business to the local neighbors. I know that he does not enjoy my birds the way I do, but he puts up with them. He certainly doesn't go out of his way to help with the chickens, but he keeps his opinion to himself. He has his cows and I have my birds.
My Hubby detests my poor chickies. :lau He can't stand them and won't help me one bit with anything to do with them unless I beg or he's in a really great mood. Still we love each other so he lets me have my hobby and only mildy complains if my Roos wake him in the mornings. I bribe him with large yummy omelots when that happens and all is well. ;)
I talked about getting chickens for two years, to the point that my DH wouldn't even let me utter the word "chicken"! I knew the only way to get through to him would be to peak his interest in building, since he is a carpenter. Finally, when my chicken talk had us about to the point of divorce, he gave in and looked at the coop plans. Now his brain started thinking up better plans and he proceeded to build me a fabulous coop (complaining all the way). Only three chickens! I agreed, but the coop turned out quite a bit bigger, enough to hold at least ten chickens! I hatched out five chicks, only one turned out to be a roo, not bad. I didn't stop and hatched out four silkies. Funny, the bigger girls didn't get along well with the little silkies, so he felt sorry for the little girls and offered to build them a separate coop! Good little silkies! Well, spring is coming soon and I couldn't help myself again. I hatched out seven more LF...gotta fill up that big coop! Although DH has never picked up a chicken or had any dealings in their daily care, but he sure does love to offer up HIS eggs to his friends! He never complains any more, and I even caught him peeking in on the baby chicks. Hey, I can't complain.
My husband was very reluctant and felt it would bring predators into the yard endangering out 4 small dogs.

I decided to go ahead without his approval and bought pre-fab coop on-line. Well, the coop was so cheap and I was so disappointed that he decided to build me a coop from plans I got from BYC. It was a really nice bonding experience between the hubs, older son and me.

I still do all the cleaning but my husband is much more helpful than I thought he'd be. He opens the door to the run in the morning, buys the feed and supplies and helps facilitate cleaning.

The one thing that bothers him more than I thought it would is his fear of a loss to predators. I feel the free ranging benefits outweigh the risk of a loss. He thinks I am taking a risk every time I let them out of the coop. granted, I have been surprised at what comes jumping out of the woods or swooping out of the sky when you have chickens but so far, we haven't had any losses.

I've been trying to convince him we should get a few Pygmy goats but he's absolutely against that one. Seeing I can't buy a barn on-line, I guess I'll have to wait on that one.
My DH is totally on board. But he knew that when he (city boy turned Marine) married the farmer's daughter 18 years ago.

I had five horses, six goats, and four big dogs I had picked up off the side of the road.
That is just what I brought into the marriage.....

he knows I love anything farm and supports all I do even designing and building everything I need. I in turn support his activities and do things he likes. It's a win win for me.
My husband was not too sure when I bought a little coop on craigslist for $25 but he sighed and he built a secure run to keep my hens safe. Over the course of the first year he was amazed at the "entertainment value" of my 4 (now 5) hens. We would let them roam the yard when one or both of us could chaperone them. We tamed them and got them to accept handling. At the start of the second Spring one hen went broody. My husband watched my broody cochin raise chicks and was fascinated. Oh, incidentally, he LOVES the eggs.

It's been 2 years now. When my cochin cross went broody (and I got her 2 chicks to raise because I don't have a rooster) my husband built a special broody coop for momma and babies! He made it so that it can be dismantled and stored as a "flat pack" until I need it again. When I wanted a larger secure run so the girls would have places to explore, he helped expand the run. When the hens needed a roost in the run to keep their feet dry in wet conditions he built an amazing roost with three levels and installed it in the run. He is delighted to see them line up on the roost.

This Spring my husband will be building the girls a new coop. We've collaborated on the design and he's confident he'll build the perfect home for our lovely hens.

I would say that my husband is quite supportive.
That's what I plan to do with the fish cooler, use it as a hatcher. I have plants coming today, I hope they send them in another cooler

Not that I know what I would do with three incubators, but....I'm sure I'll think something!
Get in lots and lots of trouble, that's what

Nice that he's converted to the dark side.
I had talked about getting chickens for a couple of years my DH told me you do what you want but I'm not helping. So after he built me a 8'x8' coop he said that's it I'm not helping anymore. Every day he asks me how many eggs I got that day. The following year I wanted to get a few more chicks he said okay but I'm not helping.Chicken math got the best of me and I ended up getting 50 chicks and had to build another coop. DH then built me another coop 8'X16' and bought me an incubator. If I am working and he is home he will go get the eggs, he has helped me butcher and has even sold some of my eggs and will pick up feed from the feed mill for me. If you were to ask him if he supports my hobby he would tell you" That's her thing I don't want anything to do with it. " If you ask me if he supports me I will tell you "Yes because he loves me."

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