Dog attach, now other problems


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
On Friday I came home and found out dogs had tore into my chicken pen... I had 5, they killed 2 and 2 had a small bald spot. The spots seem to be healing fine, but they aren't laying and one doesn't seem to feel good today. She is just standing there and her eyes aren't fully open like the other 2. It looks sorta like she is sleepy... Also 2 of them have this yellow whiteish stuff on running down their butt feathers and don't seem to be pooping. They seem to have their backs hunched or their tail down, I can't tell. I work 9-5 and also have after work activities so I can't say they aren't pooping at all, but I was out there for at least 15-20 mins while ago and didn't see any of them poop. Our daughter feeds them in the morning and gathers the eggs, so I'm not sure how long this has been going on but I'm thinking since friday when the dogs attacked the coop. Could stress have caused this? I haven't had chickens very long, this is our 2nd set. The first we let free range during the day and dogs got them, so we don't let these out. I also know they haven't laid any eggs yesterday or today.

What should I do? I'm not sure if any vets around here will see chickens, but I will call tomorrow to check.

I thought maybe they had pasty butt and yesterday evening I left out water with molasses in it, but it doesn't appear that they have drank much yesterday evening or today

Thank you all so much!
An event like that would cause a lot of stress. That is most likely the cause of them not laying eggs. They also lost friends, so they will need to adjust the pecking order.

They may have internal injuries. I would watch them closely and examine them even closer.

Good luck! Losing chicken to dogs is really hard. Mine has killed 5 birds and injured a half dozen more.
Thank you! I have been checking in them more often and hope to be home all weekend also.

These were not my dogs, my dog actually climbed out of our new fence to run them off or I'm afraid I could have lost them all :( we just had part of our yard fenced in, before that he kept these dogs ran off.
When i went to check on her today her face was gray and she was just laying/sitting there... We were planning on giving them a bath to clean their butt feathers so we knew if they were getting any better or not. We decided to start with her since I knew she would be pretty easy to catch. She just laid right there for my daughter to pick her up. As soon as we sat her in the pail of water worms started floating up, I'm guessing they were maggots... It took 3 pails of water to clean her up and we still had to pick some off her bottom. Her vent appears to be swollen out some, but to be honest I'm not sure what a "normal" vent looks like. We've never had a sick chicken.. She seemed to enjoy the soaking and just sat there calmly, she even closed her eyes while we rubbed her head some. I put her in a small dog kennel with pine shavings it it to dry, but the flies seemed to keep landing on her, so I've brought her inside to dry much to my husbands dismay! should i dry her with the blow drying on low or would that just be added stress?

I have water in there for her, is there anything else I can do to help her? The color has came back to her face some, but it's not nearly as red as the others... she also isn't standing. She can stand but seems to be to weak to do it all the time and she lays her head down. Is she just resting after the bath??

Some one please help.. I'm not sure what to do next and I want to help her! :(

I did put her by the window in the sun and blow dried her on low because she seem to be cold...
the yellow stuff is it still coming out of her vent? sounds like she might have a infection of sorts. you can try to put her on some antibiotics to see if it clears up the infection. where did the maggots come off of? her vent? you can try a anti infective like levamycine which is LA 200 you would give her 1/2 cc in the breast muscle once a day. or try a water soluble antibiotic like Gallamycine if she's drinking. if she were mine I'd get her on a antibiotic asap to try and cure the infection. I think it will help. not sure what's going on inside her but it does sound like she has got infection. you can also along with antibiotic give her a probotic like probois to help replenish the good bacteria inside her body. you can get probotic at the feed store along with a general antibiotic.I'm sorry about your bird and I really hope this helps. I'd put her on the antibiotic and probotic soon. hopefully she will respond well. I'd be afraid if you don't use the antibiotic her infection might get even worse. that's what I would do if she were mine. best wished to you and keep us posted on how she's doing please.
I can't tell if the yellow stuff is still coming out of her vent because she's laying down and hasn't pooped since her bath... Her eyes seem to be more alert and blinking fast more like normal

the maggots where all around her rear end... no wound there tho. It was like her bottom fluffy tail feather were wet when we put her in the pail of water. We didn't know she had them until we saw them floating up from the water.

Was the bath ok for her?? she seemed to enjoy it...

I went to tractor supply yesterday and got a bottle of Vitamins and Electrolytes, should I give that to her also? with the probiotics?

I will go back now and get the probiotics and antibiotic.

Thank you Realsis! She seems a little more alert now but still laying down
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It's normal for them to stop laying after such a traumatic event. It'll take time for them to settle down again.
Realsis's advice seems good, Probiotic Yoghurt would be good if you can get her to take it, make sure to get 'live' yoghurt.

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