On Friday I came home and found out dogs had tore into my chicken pen... I had 5, they killed 2 and 2 had a small bald spot. The spots seem to be healing fine, but they aren't laying and one doesn't seem to feel good today. She is just standing there and her eyes aren't fully open like the other 2. It looks sorta like she is sleepy... Also 2 of them have this yellow whiteish stuff on running down their butt feathers and don't seem to be pooping. They seem to have their backs hunched or their tail down, I can't tell. I work 9-5 and also have after work activities so I can't say they aren't pooping at all, but I was out there for at least 15-20 mins while ago and didn't see any of them poop. Our daughter feeds them in the morning and gathers the eggs, so I'm not sure how long this has been going on but I'm thinking since friday when the dogs attacked the coop. Could stress have caused this? I haven't had chickens very long, this is our 2nd set. The first we let free range during the day and dogs got them, so we don't let these out. I also know they haven't laid any eggs yesterday or today.
What should I do? I'm not sure if any vets around here will see chickens, but I will call tomorrow to check.
I thought maybe they had pasty butt and yesterday evening I left out water with molasses in it, but it doesn't appear that they have drank much yesterday evening or today
Thank you all so much!
What should I do? I'm not sure if any vets around here will see chickens, but I will call tomorrow to check.
I thought maybe they had pasty butt and yesterday evening I left out water with molasses in it, but it doesn't appear that they have drank much yesterday evening or today
Thank you all so much!