Dog attacked my chicken!

She could also be depressed that she’s stuck in a cage. Maybe try putting all the other chickens in the coop and letting her out by herself. Then she could get bugs and grass.
She could also be depressed that she’s stuck in a cage. Maybe try putting all the other chickens in the coop and letting her out by herself. Then she could get bugs and grass.
How much should I give her and how often?
I gave my hen the sweetened water mixture twice a day, about 20 to 30 ml each time. After the first day, I began giving her eggs and moistened chicken food twice a day as well. I'd roll them into small balls and place them in her beak, at which point she would swallow them. She got about 1/4 cup of food that way. I'd also offer her some scratch and meal worms to see if she was interested -- it was the scratch that she finally started eating on her own.

If she is strong enough, I second the idea of putting her in a safe area outside and try throwing some food on the ground to see if that triggers the instinct.

Let us know how she does. We are pulling for her.
I gave my hen the sweetened water mixture twice a day, about 20 to 30 ml each time. After the first day, I began giving her eggs and moistened chicken food twice a day as well. I'd roll them into small balls and place them in her beak, at which point she would swallow them. She got about 1/4 cup of food that way. I'd also offer her some scratch and meal worms to see if she was interested -- it was the scratch that she finally started eating on her own.

If she is strong enough, I second the idea of putting her in a safe area outside and try throwing some food on the ground to see if that triggers the instinct.

Let us know how she does. We are pulling for her.
Did you use just plain raw honey? And did you mix the water honey and yogurt all together? I’m assuming you used plain yogurt?
As far as keeping the wound clean: My rooster just had his toe amputated recently and my vet gave me chlorohexidine to soak his foot in between bandage changes. I bought more on Amazon for pretty cheap ($11). You dilute it so a little goes a long way. It works well as a wound cleanser, you might want to give it a try.
Great job patching her up! I hope she gets better soon.

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