Dog attacked Rooster


8 Years
Jan 15, 2013
Our 6 month puppy attacked our rooster which resulted in missing feathers and raw areas on the head and also a missing left eye. We have been giving him some extra TLC and he seems to be doing good even with his disability, however now my younger rooster has decided to jump on him anytime he seems him on the ground. I would say maybe it was payback but even the older Rooster "Steve" let the other male come around. He just didn't like him mounting the girls. What I was wondering about it I have noticed that he has some blackening at the bottom of his comb and even a few black spots on his wattles. There is even a little bit of white toward the back. What could this be?? I have enclosed pics. Sorry its gross with no eyeball.

Maybe you can see the dark areas.

You need to separate him until his injuries have healed. It is instinctive for healthy birds to attack injured ones, and the attacks can get vicious. It's already instinctive for roos to squabble, to one degree or another. The black spots could well be from being pecked.
The black spots are scabs I'd say (dried chicken blood turns black in small amounts) , leave him to recover and "recooperate" and keep up the TLC. Sometimes my dogs have broken into the hens and have caught a couple. Sometimes the fright causes them to go into a sort of depression and twice I have lost birds who have just retreated into themselves and given up. It sounds like he has had a fair beating but after a while, hopefully it will all get better. He just needs to find his feet again but unfortunately the younger cockerel will see this as an opportunity to top the pecking order. Definitely follow flockwatchers advice, maybe a couple of quieter hens who won't stress him too much could go in with him because he needs to feel superior and appreciated if that is what he is used to and it may really help his recovery. You just need to keep an eye (no pun intended) to ensure that they don't pick on him. If they do, you could try to keep them in close but out of reach maybe in an adjoining pen or something. Hope this helps.
I have placed him in a separate pen and thankfully he actually stayed in there. But the younger one will walk around the pen and down the side if he sees him even trying to eat on the ground. It's so sad cause he never did the younger roo this bad. I have thought about putting his "girlfriend" in there with him. She will hang with the others but I seen her walking around his pen today. He seemed so sad and depressed all alone. Thank you for your suggestions.

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