Dog food recipe..


8 Years
Oct 31, 2011
I figured for my first post I would contribute. We always wanted the best we could afford for our dogs. However at $45 plus for a 50LB bag. We were understandably left wanting. We always looked for meat as a first ingredient....but even at that my hunting dog did nothing but poop.... every time she went outside...bummer... that previous mentioned golden dog food did the trick. But who besides the manufacturers and astronauts can afford that. So we did our research. Found a couple surprising facts. Dogs can be considered omnivores.... I would have never imagined. So here is our first recipe. I say first because it has been changing over the last year as we watch the dogs and how they are reacting/changing with it.

1- 32oz bag walmart brown rice. Over cooked to mushy stage
Doesn't need to be walmart. Just brown rice. For a reason I cannot remember...dogs can take brown rice better.
1- 16oz bag mixed veggies added raw
@2.5 pounds of either tongue, liver or heart. Either cow...pig...sheep... deer.. whatever ALSO MUST BE RAW!!!
Just like us they cannot have just one meat. All of the organs provide different nutrients. As well they need "muscle meat" that is where the tongue comes in
@ 2 table spoons garlic powder.
I hunt a bit and have never had to pic a tick or see her fight with bugs since we started this recipe.

Mix all together when the rice is cool. BAMM... dogs call you papi at mealtime. Make sure to refrigerate/freeze extra. I was feeding 2/3 of a cup to my 35 poundish springer and the other mutt at the same weight. They were maintain in they were not looking sunkin at the hips like they were not getting enough quantity. Buuuuut they were loosing body fat, a lot. We could see too much rib and the tail head was becoming very defined. So we figured that with the very low fat ingredients they were needing more fat in their diet. So we started adding lard to the mix. I add to the cooking rice so as to mix in properly. We use lard because that is what we have on hand. Got it from pig slaughter. Or new lard for the recipe is un rendered so maybe even better for them?

So...recipe 2.0
1 Bag rice
16oz frozen mixed veg
@2.5 lbs of one of 3 meats
garlic powder
and ....

I then noticed that every time my dog went outside she would graze like a cow....every time. So I increased the veggie levels. The 32oz of veggies reduced her grazing to almost never. Assumed because now she is getting the higher amounts of plant matter she was needing.

recipe 3.0
1 bag rice
32oz frozen mixed veggies
2.5 lbs meat
garlic powder

Then came puppies. I was worried that the one we are keeping and getting this diet was not getting enough protein. Nothing led me to that assumption.... just a concern that I not hinder the youths development. So we started looking for another protein source. We went to the local feed mill and were going to try soybean meal. Got a weird look when we asked for 5 lbs of it. LOL... not surprising... they deal in 100's of pounds. So he asked what we were using it for. We told him dog food. Then he suggested bone meal. So, bone meal it was. Side note; he said the recipe we were using was a good mix for them. he isn't a vet but animal nutrition is their game so they can't be all dumb. They do produce their own brand of dog food there. I also made a change to how we add the meat. I now pick up a heart, tongue and 2 lbs of liver from the butcher. Run it through a grinder and mix the three together. Then divide that into three batches food. It makes it easier for us than trying to remember what they had last time. For meat it doesn't matter what. When we butcher chickens... we save the lungs,kidneys,liver, gizzards and sometimes the necks. During deer season they will get the same. We also add one egg per day to their meal. Raw of course, the only thing cooked is the rice. Possibly the bone meal. I am not sure how that is produced.

The cost is above what walmart carries as their best food. At least our local walmart. But it is way cheaper than the 45/bag stuff and seams to be on par if not better. Yes it is a lot of work. With the two adults I was making a batch every week or so. Now with the voracious pup.... about every 5 days. But it is worth it. Not as much poop.... and the connection. Plus I never have to worry about recalls. This makes my dog one sexy grump...lmao

Recipe 4.0
1- 32oz bag of brown rice
1- 32oz bag of frozen mixed veg
@2.5 LBS meat
@2-3 TBS lard
@ 1-2 TBS garlic
2.5 cups of bone meal
This is not a balanced diet.

It is lacking in bone content, and is is very grain heavy and meat poor.

Bone meal can be high in heavy metals and is not recommended in larger amounts or for extended periods of time.

FYI I have been a raw feeder since the mid 90s, I have maintained numerous dogs from weaning age to old age, and bred, weaned and raised 4 litters on raw food. I compete extensively in performance and comfornation events with my dogs.

The number one ingredient in any healthy diet for dogs is MEAT, followed closely by BONE, or an adequate substitute. I prefer KA Calcium fromNature's Farmacy to supplement when I feed any boneless meat.
"""Many people feed a raw bone meal (with vegetables) twice a day for two days then mix it with an all meat meal or a fruit meal then raw bone meal again"""
That page talks about the use of bone meal. Reading that though talks about an alternating use of it.

But I believe I will head your advice. I think I will explore adding chicken neck to the mix. Thanks for the heads up.
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ground raw bone is not the same as bone meal. Something about the processing of bone meal concentrates any heavy metals found in the bone. depending on the source of the bone used for the bone meal, it can come from questionable sources.

I think home made is usually better than anything you can get commercially, but I think your mix needs a LOT more meat.

I feed meat and raw meaty bones as about 85% of the diet I feed my dogs. The remainder is whole grains, some dairy (yoghurt, cottage cheese), eggs, green vegetables, and some ripe fruits.

I feed organ meat about once per week, canned fish once every week or ten days, and try to vary the meat source as much as I can between beef, chicken, pork, and whatever else I can find.

high carb starchy vegetable such as corn, carrots and potatoes should be fed only in moderation. Same with any vegetables in the cruciferous family, as these can cause suppression of thyroid function in some dogs.

I use supplements from Nature's Farmacy to make sure I am covering all my bases. I use their Ultimate Vitamin, Digestive Enhancer, Phytoflex CCM+, and KA Calcium.
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The raw food forums for people can be harsh too. Especially if there is a "high meat" afficionado on there.
I do try to eat as raw as possible. The fish for ceviche is in the lime juice as we speak.
The raw food forums for people can be harsh too. Especially if there is a "high meat" afficionado on there.
I do try to eat as raw as possible. The fish for ceviche is in the lime juice as we speak.

So far, my pets eat far better than I do. We are trying to go more natural, raw healthy now that we have our little mini farm. Cost was prohibitive when in the city.
Does ceviche change the texture of the fish? I don't have a problem with the raw aspect, but I cannot do raw fish texture. I almost lost my lunch when I tried sushi, and its not because I thought it gross, I really wanted to like it. But too mnay years working in an aquarium store brought associations to mind that freaked me out!
It does tenderize it some so you have to be careful how long you keep it in the lime depending on the type of fish. You want a firm white sea fish that's not oily. Scallops work well too. I usually soak overnight but 8 hours is plenty.
Add chopped fresh cilantro, diced tomatoes, white and red onions, de-seeded chiles(like serranos) and some high quality crackers and it's heaven. You wouldn't know it wasn't cooked.
I have to say I've had sushi I didn't like but once you have good sushi, you'll love it. I migrated that way by starting with rare tuna, just singed on the outside to kill off any bacteria from handling but still raw on the inside - just like my steaks. The tuna has to be extremely fresh though, sushi grade.
Trouble is that kind of fish is only available in bigger cities or along a coastline. Walmart doesn't do sushi grade fresh fish.
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