Dog food recipe..

My local hospital only accepts Delta, and they will not accept dogs on any raw protein diet.
See, now THIS is my problem with feeding raw. I've visited the websites and seen the photos and NO ONE will ever convince me that feeding raw meat on my kitchen floor is sanitary. If raw chicken can leave salmonella on kitchen counters, WHAT will it do to your floors?!? And since dogs are meant to tear into their food, it is counterproductive to grind it up. Except at least ground could be fed in bowls that can then be run through the dishwasher on hot to kill the germs. But what dog is gonna eat a chunk of brisket or a meaty bone tidily from his bowl? Feeding outdoors will only attract "critters" that I really do NOT want coming around, not to mention the flies and gnats that will be hovering as a result.

I have no doubt at all that a raw diet is better for them, but I can't figure out how to make it sanitary for the rest of the household.

See, now THIS is my problem with feeding raw. I've visited the websites and seen the photos and NO ONE will ever convince me that feeding raw meat on my kitchen floor is sanitary. If raw chicken can leave salmonella on kitchen counters, WHAT will it do to your floors?!? And since dogs are meant to tear into their food, it is counterproductive to grind it up. Except at least ground could be fed in bowls that can then be run through the dishwasher on hot to kill the germs. But what dog is gonna eat a chunk of brisket or a meaty bone tidily from his bowl? Feeding outdoors will only attract "critters" that I really do NOT want coming around, not to mention the flies and gnats that will be hovering as a result.

I have no doubt at all that a raw diet is better for them, but I can't figure out how to make it sanitary for the rest of the household.


Do you think the bottoms of your shoes, or the bottoms of your pets feet are sanitary? The cooties on human grade raw meat is no worse than that.
Unless you eat off your floors, its not a big deal. What do you do if you happen to drop a piece of meat you are preparing for yourself on the floor? I'm going to guess you pick it up, and give the floor a swipe with a paper towel. No major cleaning, right? Same thing.
Outside has never been an issue, the dogs clean it up quite well, nothing left to attract critters. Or, you can set up a small area, like a crate to feed in.
if you are worried about it, wipe up the floor when the dogs are done eating. Or, as someone said, just feed them outside.
Of course, I never let my dogs carry their food around. They ate in their spot and then I wiped up. and there is nothing to clean up outside, the dogs will do a great job of cleaning up after themselves.
I feed my dog in her kennel, and wiped up when needed. She licked where it had been really well,and no salmonella outbreaks yet. I've noticed with her,and dogs on youtube,that they eat in one spot usually til they are done.
Do you think the bottoms of your shoes, or the bottoms of your pets feet are sanitary? The cooties on human grade raw meat is no worse than that.
Unless you eat off your floors, its not a big deal. What do you do if you happen to drop a piece of meat you are preparing for yourself on the floor? I'm going to guess you pick it up, and give the floor a swipe with a paper towel. No major cleaning, right? Same thing.
Outside has never been an issue, the dogs clean it up quite well, nothing left to attract critters. Or, you can set up a small area, like a crate to feed in.

Not in this household. Outside footwear are never allowed inside the house, for one thing. Food that falls on the floor is discarded and the floor is washed. I use Lysol Cleaner. But that is an occasional happening. Bloody meat on my floors day after day does not sound safe to me and nothing anyone has said has convinced me it would be sanitary to feed this way. Surely there is some other way to feed raw! During all my reading about feeding raw, the actual mechanics of how to do it never occurred to me. Now that I've watched a bunch of the videos of dogs chewing away on some big hunk of meat in the middle of the kitchen, well, frankly, it shocked me to see that.

I am still open to the idea of a raw diet for my Dobies and GSDs, but I would need to find a method that would be sanitary and safe. One of my grandkids is still in the crawling stage and I could not in good conscience allow him on a floor where my dogs had been eating raw chicken or beef every day. That just does not seem healthy to me. Washing the floor is fine for an occasional spill, but does not seem good enough/thorough enough to eliminate the daily microscopic buildup from the raw meat that must occur over time.


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Agreed. I feed prey model raw. My dogs get a few fruit and veggie tidbits when I'm chopping our meals or when we're eating, just as treats. They're only supplement is fish oil. Coats are great, my dobe looks like she's been oiled. Bloodwork is perfect, even on the 14 year old chihuahua who had near-liver failure from a medication before the raw diet.
Cats are converting to raw and I have a new kitten who is all raw, he's about 10-12 weeks old. Cats are a little trickier to convert unless you start as kittens and you need to be careful about their taurine levels. Lots of beef heart, not too much pre-ground meats.
I spend not much more than I did for a premium dog food, maybe actually less. I buy in bulk from a raw coop. Average about 1.25 a pound or less, feed 2-5% of body weight a day, depending on the animal. Big dogs get leases than tiny dogs and baby kitty eats like a lion.
Stools are very small and if too wet they need a meal with more bone. ( chicken, turkey or pork)
I wish I lived where there were hunters, a lot of people feed free game.
See, now THIS is my problem with feeding raw. I've visited the websites and seen the photos and NO ONE will ever convince me that feeding raw meat on my kitchen floor is sanitary. If raw chicken can leave salmonella on kitchen counters, WHAT will it do to your floors?!? And since dogs are meant to tear into their food, it is counterproductive to grind it up. Except at least ground could be fed in bowls that can then be run through the dishwasher on hot to kill the germs. But what dog is gonna eat a chunk of brisket or a meaty bone tidily from his bowl? Feeding outdoors will only attract "critters" that I really do NOT want coming around, not to mention the flies and gnats that will be hovering as a result.

I have no doubt at all that a raw diet is better for them, but I can't figure out how to make it sanitary for the rest of the household.


Mine eat in a crate or outdoors.
Not in this household. Outside footwear are never allowed inside the house, for one thing. Food that falls on the floor is discarded and the floor is washed. I use Lysol Cleaner. But that is an occasional happening. Bloody meat on my floors day after day does not sound safe to me and nothing anyone has said has convinced me it would be sanitary to feed this way. Surely there is some other way to feed raw! During all my reading about feeding raw, the actual mechanics of how to do it never occurred to me. Now that I've watched a bunch of the videos of dogs chewing away on some big hunk of meat in the middle of the kitchen, well, frankly, it shocked me to see that.

I am still open to the idea of a raw diet for my Dobies and GSDs, but I would need to find a method that would be sanitary and safe. One of my grandkids is still in the crawling stage and I could not in good conscience allow him on a floor where my dogs had been eating raw chicken or beef every day. That just does not seem healthy to me. Washing the floor is fine for an occasional spill, but does not seem good enough/thorough enough to eliminate the daily microscopic buildup from the raw meat that must occur over time.



My Dobe eats her meal of turkey neck or hunk of boneless beef heart, pork shoulder, dried liver, spleen, whatever, in about 45 seconds. I put it in a plastic container outside the doggy door. The meat goes in her mouth and two gulps, gone. I have a ton of cheap containers, they are washed every meal.
The tiny dogs and cats eat on mats or in their crates, they take longer and are fussier but it's still a simple process.

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