Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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You gotta protect your animals but you don't need to take joy in killing someone elses.

You folks couldn't be more off base here. The last thing I want to do is shoot a dog. I love dogs, have had one most of my life--fenced, always, never allowed to roam, period. If I have to shoot someone's dog, that is severe emotional distress on top of possibly having my pets torn apart. I do not want to kill a dog, any dog, but I will.

If it's a pet, keep it safe on your own property. What's so darn hard about that? If you can't do it, if the dog is smarter than its owner, then the owner just shouldn't have a dog.

When a dog is on its own property, it's a pet. When someone else's dog is on my property, it's a predator. Simple as pie.

x2 I totally agree.


We have dogs, 3 to be exact, 1 stays in the yard and is technically not restrained but will walk in the chicken pen, I think he thinks he is a chicken. He tried to run the predator dogs off but he is a small poodle looking dog. and 2 others in a pen. If the 2 in the pen would have got out and started eating chickens, they too would be shot. I have a zero tolerance for killing a defenseless animal. The dog killed for sport, not out of hunger, it came in my yard and killed my birds.
Also, I would like to add, this is not the first time and in the past we have let it slide. 3 months ago, dogs came in the yard and pulled the wire away from the rabbit pen and killed 2 rabbits. about 5 years ago, dogs came in the yard and ripped open the stomach of my pot bellied pig and played with her and then left her there to die, about 2 years ago, another neighbors dog came into the yard, dug under the chicken pen and killed 15 chickens. I amd fed up and it is time to put a stop to it. He can replace his dog the same as I can replace my birds. I wouldn't change what I did.
There was a pair of very large dogs, no idea who they belonged to here, that got into my fence one of the last times I had to open the gate for a delivery. Well, one came inside the fence and one went outside, so they got separated. My birds were in their pens as they usually are when the gate is open. This big black dog was trotting along the fence inside while his pal was walking along outside, seemingly to find a way to get back to his friend, but was coming closer and closer to my birds. DH went inside to get the 38, just in case. That stupid dog climbed over the livestock fence to get out because I was yelling at it, ripping out the top heavy duty U staple (kind you hammer in) off the tree as he went over to join his buddy, both huge dogs. They stood just outside the fence, which is still on my property because the fence is set up on a bank off the property line, like they didn't intend to leave. DH fired the 38 into the ground at their feet, which didn't even phase them. Within 3 seconds, someone was whistling for their dogs, obviously having heard the gunshot. Just two weeks ago, though, we see the same duo running just outside the fence again toward the pens after the roosters raised a ruckus and we heard crashing through the brush and leaves. They veered off when they heard me yelling at them. Some owners just never learn.
Had a situation with my neighbors 3 dogs pit, german and caboodle. Our neighbors had a 4' aluminum fence we have a 6 foot privacy fence. The dogs had a 10 foot section that went beyond my privacy fence. Every time myself and 3 children would try to go through our gate the dogs would viciously growl, bark and jump at the fence at us. I talked to our neighbors about doing something, she felt because they were in her yard no problem.
Well a few weeks later all three dogs dug a hole 10" under her fence in an attempt to get out at us. I called animal control. They were out immediately! turns out the dogs weren't licensed nor had shots. They were fined, had to put up a 6foot privacy fence to secure the exposed area. They were told they were responsible for their dogs aggressive behavior and needed to train them or rehome them.

Bottom line is if I didn't do something..she never would have. My children could have been seriously hurt because she felt she had no responsibility to their aggressive and determined behavior. Now my chicks have moved out to the run and we hear them trying to dig under their aluminum fence which is up against our privacy fence.
some people just don't get it. If you can't control your dog(s) then you should pick a breed that you can or not be a dog owner. They can seriously be a lethal weapon in the wrong hands. While on my property I should not have to worry about these dogs attacking our children or chickens. I agree with op..some people just don't get it. In the words of animal control "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PET'S BEHAVIOR, NOT THE NEIGHBORS" let's remember this.
I just want to say. People do not enjoy killing animals. They do what they have to. A few months ago I saw what looked like a pack of dogs on the back end of my property. I yelled to my DD to get the gun. I slowly started back there with a pipe just in case. When I got there it was a mom and 3 puppies. They were just passing through. They never came near my chickens nor goats. I let them pass. And as far as I know they have never been back. What the OP did was what she had to do. Not because she wanted to. We do have hearts on here and it kills us when we have to do something like that. Noone is getting any pleasure from it or bragging. Just venting to people that understand and care.
Our dog is allowed to roam free but we are on 250 acres with no chicken raising neighbors. He is out because he protects my free ranging flock...even snatched a hawk out of the pretty amazing dog actually. He then protects our back porch from our flock. HAHA! If confronted with proof that he had done something horrendous like messing with someone's stock...he would be chained or put down. Neither would be something I wanted to do but if he was on someone else's land I would have no choice. But if there was a dog on my property and he killed it...he would get a biscuit and some gravy for his efforts. There are no enforced leash laws here.
My goats have their own LGDs, which of course free range all over the farm, and we have found 3 dog bodies in the pasture. My LGDs are good but they never leave the goats, thus no chicken killing.
I have neighbors that "free ranged" their german shepard and their ever producing mangy cats.... I said "ranged" due to the fact that they are for the most part gone (cats) and the dog is long gone... I caught the dog, tied it up and called animal control. I called animal control about the cats and they set live traps in my yard and would come by daily to retrieve the trophy from the night before.... I got tired of my flower beds being used as their litter box.... I work too hard on Saturday mornings in the yard to step out the front door and get a nice whiff of cat poo.... Glad to here you evened the score and I am sorry that their attitude was unacceptable for what occurred.
The dog would be gone one way or another. If I caught the dog in the process sadly, I might shoot it. They go into a different mindset but either way, the animal would no longer be trustworthy in my world.
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