Dog on Killing spree

It is sad that most pits and pit mixes end up this way. There was a story I read in the Detroit free press not to long ago that about four pits somehow got into a ladies barn where she had her horses. Well the discription of what she saw just horrifying these pit took down a 1000 lb Arabian Mare, the horse was 26. The dogs litterally tore this mare to pieces. They tore an ear off and chewed up the muzzle. I believe that pits usually grab the ears or muzzle to prevent the animal to defend itself. Being in a enclosed stall probably prevented the mare to kick and it is hard to kick when a dog grabs the head. The horse had to be put down and the police came and shot the dogs. I believe when a dog goes on this kind of barbaric killing spree there is no other choice. Pits are cheap, you can get one for pratically only $100.00. It seems these dogs were bred to die either by the owner, in the pits or by others. There are legalization on sterilizing the pits. Where I live they have tried to start a program to teach yound men that own pits to channel their dogs in a postive manner other than fighting, for example weight pulling contests, where pits usually do very well. What is more scarier than pits is there are breeds out there that make the pits seem pale. They are called manstoppers, these dogs where design to take down humans, not fighting in pits. They are rare right now but gaining popularity. They are the Tosu Inu, Dogo Aregentio and the Brasselrio(sp?) and the Presa Canerio. Heaven help us if these breeds get to be where they are bred as cheaply as pits.
One of my dogs has pit in him. He's a big baby. You'll hear this story over and

In the case of this post the breed doesn't matter. The dog has done what
it has done and the owner is irresponsible. The dog now needs to be destroyed
because the owner is &^$^&*$*.

Not many irresponsible dog owners say "Hey, I want a Westie or Rat Terrier or
Sheltie". Those dogs would rip apart livestock too if not trained.

marebear, you know what you have to do. It sucks but it's reality.
Remember Diane Whipple in San Francisco a few years ago?...2 Presas ripped her apart in the doorway of her apartment.
The dog's owner needs to pay for ALL of the damages that his dog did. period.
DITTO DITTO DITTO what Spotted said. The guy must be made to pay heavily for all of these losses. Seems the only way some humans learn, if they ever learn at all. Maybe you can get together with all those who have had losses and work together to develop the bills. This does not mean just the initial cost of the animal but all its care and feeding. Even then, it's not anywhere near the real and dear value of these poor beings.
I'm so sorry for you and for your poor roo and for everyone else's pets.
One of the reasons I keep good records on my chicken hobby. I don't really expect to make any money from them, but you can be sure that when I throw my neighbor's dead dog on their porch, I'll have a bill for them for the cost of my chickens. By the way, before anyone gets started on the legalities of what I've just stated, please read this link before replying:

For what it's worth- no, I don't like to shoot dogs, but if it means protecting my animals or saving my neighbor's dog, I'll pick my animals every time.
Sorry to say, generally you can only charge for the fair market value of the animal. If the dog destroys the coop or fence, you most likely can recover repair costs for that, too. It is sad that we put so much time, money, and love into our furred and feathered friends and our society only values them for what they would bring at market.

The key operative words here would be..."was already trained" NOT "good dog". There are NO bad dogs...there are BAD dog owners.

In many cases, such as this, the dog gets the brunt of it all. I love my dogs but I also love my chickens too. If a dog came in here threatening them, I would shoot it. No questions asked.

Sorry...just MHO.

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What awful stories. I feel so bad for everyone. I also own a pit/mutt I rescued from the humain society. I am very careful with him. He is a big baby with my family, but I have no idea what he would do to anyone else. When we have company, the dog goes in the bedroom, and there is no meeting. He has his own huge fenced in yard, and he never goes outside of it. My biggest fear is when the roaming dogs of my area come into my yard. I've been outside running after them in my slippers and house coat before (SCARY) because I don't want a dog to be killed here because of idiots that won't control thier own animals. A man up the road came to my house one day wanting to know if my dog killed his chickens, and I had to tell him it was the german shepard that I see roaming around. PPL just assume it is mine. Terrible situation to have to be in. I'm sorry for the loss of your roo.

PC- Do you have a pic of your doggie baby?
I belive that the neighbor dog that is usually kept chained at all times due to agressive behavor was out to day and was seen in my yard by us.

I as of 1600 CST i have seemed to lost one of my 2 girls. Lots of feathers strewn about, but have been unable to find her. Suspicious tracks (to large to be my labs) leading away from the area and back to the neighbors.

Its my feeling she is gone

I get the gest from the thread (which is my feeling) it should be shoot on site (espcially if witnessed in an attack), bury ASAP and move on.

the question is now what do i do with my lone Gurtrude? she was raised with her coupe mate hazel. Now what? i wont be gettting chicks for another month, should i be looking for a full grown now to replace Hazel ASAP?

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