Dog Rolling in chicken Poop


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 24, 2010
My great dane rolls in it and my lab eats it. I dont know what to do or how to break these bad habits. I want to be able to continue letting my four chickens free range the backyard, but not sure if I can deal with this. The great dane gets a bath way more than he should and the lab, well I hope she doesnt get something bad from the chickens. Does anyone have any suggestions?

At least they dont eat the chickens, just a run through the flock every now and then.
I used to find horse apples all over my yard and I thought, what the heck? I don't own horses.

lol the dogs found a hole in the fence and were stock-piling I guess. Dogs love doody.

Atleast yours don't eat cat and rabbit poop, like mine do
Um, they're, uh ... dogs! You may just have to give 'em this one. I don't know anyone whose broken a dog from the "I love poop" syndrome once it gets it ... and most of 'em do!
I know dogs will be dogs, but for conversations sake...does everybody just live with this. It just seems like a real problem
but I am new to chickens. Maybe I have just read too much on the poop page about worms. I am just worried that they are going to bring in something grosser than just poop into the house. Anyways- thanks for the comments.
I had the same problem with my dogs a few weeks ago when my chickens first went out side I have found that if you keep a spray bottle handy you can train a dog to stop just about anything I would say no then spray them in the face with water some dogs like it my dogs hate it. they have stopped I also take them strait into the bath after they do it if your dog doesn't like baths this is punishment and they will stop wanting the poop because it makes them get a bath.
Dogs like rolling in stuff. You think poop is about a dead rotted fish? My little chihuahua had found a koi that jumped from my pond and rolled in that. She stunk so bad I gagged when I was trying to bath her. she needed multiple baths to get the stench out. Why doggie??? lol!! I guess it's an old instinct held over from the days when they weren't dogs yet.

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