Doggie sous-chef.

Consider your dinner invite revoked.
Marley, the lab stays out of the kitchen. It's too busy for him. Vida, the Shih Tzu, no matter WHERE I am, she must orbit me. She is my satellite and seems to know when and where to move. She is never in my way, just constantly orbiting me.
I don't allow animals in my kitchen either and kids, too! (when it has nothing to do with their activity but has to be in your way of sitting down, doing crayons on paper on floor, or in a hazardous way that I would not allow my daughter close to me, but sit at the table watching or doing something at the table chopping or setting the table).
Ha, That's interesting, but were all different.. My dog sleeps in my bed, and I love to cuddle him on the couch...
But wait till you here this, I was over eating supper at a neigbors house.. She just got put in a wheel chair, so the house wasn't quite chair friendly.. So were all cooking together, having fun.
There was some left over "ground pork or beef" I forget witch.. She said give it to the dog, so I walk over to dogs dish, about to scrape it in.. And she's like oh no don't do that... Then we have to wash dogs dish.. Just put "that bowl down for her"

I know I'm sure lots of people do this, not me.. Even If I was to use the sterlize button on dish washer.. eewww gross, sorry if that offends anyone..
Don't have a dish washer other than myself. But the first "pass" is usually completed by my two dogs, sharing the duty. Hot, soapy water kills germs just fine.

They have to wait until I am done eating, of course.

And both of them, plus the cat, sleep with me.

Sorry. Everybody IS different.
Ha, That's interesting, but were all different.. My dog sleeps in my bed, and I love to cuddle him on the couch...
But wait till you here this, I was over eating supper at a neigbors house.. She just got put in a wheel chair, so the house wasn't quite chair friendly.. So were all cooking together, having fun.
There was some left over "ground pork or beef" I forget witch.. She said give it to the dog, so I walk over to dogs dish, about to scrape it in.. And she's like oh no don't do that... Then we have to wash dogs dish.. Just put "that bowl down for her"

I know I'm sure lots of people do this, not me.. Even If I was to use the sterlize button on dish washer.. eewww gross, sorry if that offends anyone..

I agree!
Don't have a dish washer other than myself. But the first "pass" is usually completed by my two dogs, sharing the duty. Hot, soapy water kills germs just fine.

They have to wait until I am done eating, of course.

And both of them, plus the cat, sleep with me.

Sorry. Everybody IS different.

same here!
My critters are family.. the parrots get part of my dinner every night and the dogs and cats help us finish the rest!

hey.. they have nice shiny coats

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