Dogs and Chicks how to train them to get along (PICS)


10 Years
Oct 11, 2009
I have three dogs (Chiwauwau, Terrier and poodle) I would like to try to let my 3 month old chicks roam the yard with my dogs. Does any one have any suggestions on how to approach this. If you have any pictures of dogs and chicks co-existing please post.



you train them one dog at a time... your poodle is starting to show interest in them, you probably need to start with her first, leash on and take her to do chores around the chickens, quick correction when she start showing unhealthy intention... you'll see this when her body tensed, lips licking, eyes concentrating on one object, that'll be a good time to yell leave it and divert her attention.



My neighbor has a giant german shephard and 8 chickens. She told me she spent 2-3 days outside in a lawn chair with a stack of magazines and the chickens and the dog in her yard. Every time the dog got near one of the chickens, she squirted him with water. She said it took 2-3 days of this, but now the dog and the chickens get along well.
Thank you for the advice. I think I will start this weekend. I will be very careful, my children would freek out if one of the chickens got hurt. Thank you for the feedback.

PS: that picture is too cool.
My yellow lab was driven by food (chicken treats) to get into the pen with our chickens. Not really sure how the introduction of dog to chicken went since we are unsure how long he was in there lol. He has done this twice and has not hurt any of the girls even though they keep their distance from him. I guess we are just lucky. It is amazing how a dog can be so smart as to be able to unlatch a door.
We have a rhodesian and he gets along fine with all our flock. He even lays on his back and lets the ducks crawl on him! I can never get a pic tho! They see me coming and jump up like we weren't doing anything.

I see you have a poodle, and that probable won't work. First of all poodles are hunting dogs, and second they are Bird hunting dogs. If you look at the one pic of your poodle watching your flock in the coop, it's not to say hello.
I have poodles have always had poodles, and I've lost a lot of birds, and done a lot of sewing up of birds. My poodles are either kenneled or chained when my flock is free ranging.

FYI ... You know all those crazy poodle trims you see? Those arent' for looks. Each trim actually serves a purpose during hunting. The pom poms on the ankles keep their main vein covered so they don't freeze to death when retrieving fowl from icy waters. The pom poms on their hips? Those are to keep their kidneys from shutting down while in the cold water too.

Sorry, but I just want to spare you the heartbreak I've experienced more than once over the years.
Oh yeah we also have a yorkie, and chihuahua. They both do fine with our whole flock. Sometimes we have to practically beat our chihuahua off the babies with a stick though. She thinks they're hers and wants to nurse them, lol.

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