Dogs in the coop -- preventing the chicks laying?


10 Years
May 3, 2009
Ok, we dont know if this is an ol' wives tale or a true story. But if animals go into the coop will this stop our girls from laying. Our girls are allowed to free range the back yard when we are home. If we leave the coop door open, our dogs will go in, root around, maybe lift a leg. So the question is: will our chickens not lay eggs if our dogs have been in their coop?

And am I posting this in the right area?
Anything that upsets a hen to some extent - including a dog or other animal invading the coop - can sometimes prevent the hen from laying.
Thank you. We wont worry so much. Now if we could just stop our dogs from leg lifting in there. We do consider ourselves very lucky that the dogs & chickies get along.

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