Dogs that watch over chickens

With my dog.. we lucked out and got one that had both a predatory instinct and a protective instinct, but not a herding instinct. As well as a high train-ability. Its about setting boundaries with the dog and sticking too them. One trick I've found is that you need to teach the dog to recognize between what it "yours" and what is "theirs". Don't let the dog grab any shoe or sock to use as a toy.. but make it clear that any toy you do give is "their toy".

If you can train that understanding in.. then training them to guard your chickens is a snap. We regularly use Diamond, my dog, now for guarding the chickens when they free range. I don't even have to be out there anymore. I've personally seen her run off two hawks (coming within 2 feet of catching 1) and often see her sitting in the yard, scanning the sky.

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