Doing it wrong (so you don't have to)

One time I used a hatcher without a fan. I borrowed it from a friend. The temp in the center of the incubator/hatcher was at least 5 degrees hotter than the edges. The chicks on the edge that had 3 days of "cool" had a hard time hatching and I lost some. Other were born with defects due to the temp fluctuation. If you incubator works well with the fan, I would recommend using it to hatch. No use messing with a system that already works.

If you have humidity problems, be sure to plug as many vents as you can. You can also mist the eggs with water to raise the humidity.
@Hammie919 there is nothing to lose at this point! Candle the eggs this weekend and see if there is development. Toss clears and any with rings and continue on. If any start to stink, get them out. The worst that can happen is none hatch. It happens.

We've all learned as we went along.
One time I used a hatcher without a fan.  I borrowed it from a friend.  The temp in the center of the incubator/hatcher was at least 5 degrees hotter than the edges.  The chicks on the edge that had 3 days of "cool" had a hard time hatching and I lost some.  Other were born with defects due to the temp fluctuation.  If you incubator works well with the fan, I would recommend using it to hatch.  No use messing with a system that already works.

If you have humidity problems, be sure to plug as many vents as you can.  You can also mist the eggs with water to raise the humidity.  

I'm not personally a fan of plugging vents on lockdown. IMO, they need as much air exchange as possible. That is why they pip, to get oxygen, as there is only a limited amount in the air cell after they pip internally.

I prefer lots and lots of water. I try to put large supplies in the hatcher so I don't have to open it and drop the humidity.

Just the way I do it, others do what works for them.
I'm still about 9 hours away from day 19, but........


Actually, there may be a few, can't really see in the sides of this thing very well.

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