Doing it wrong (so you don't have to)

did they all pip on the Right End of the egg?

Mostly. I can't actually see where some of them are and one is in the middle, although I have seen that successful many times.

Not my first rodeo, I'm just documenting my lazy ways.

If they hatch, great, if not, I've only wasted a couple dollars of electricity. ( yes, I've run the cost calculations) :)
Some pips:

Not the best location
If like et thank everyone who has followed this. It's been fun. I'm not stopping the thread, just wanted to take a break and acknowledge those following.

This has been fun. I rely join hatch a Long's, as my time doesn't allow me to keep up with threads as well as if like. I frequently lurk.

I just wanted to run this incubator through its paces as well as run a test hatch on a group of birds. I'll probably clean this up after the hatch, move it into my basement and actually watch it more closely as I run another test hatch of the same group of birds. Next time will be dry hatch. No water until lockdown.

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