Domestic Goose in the Wild


12 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Yesterday, on my way to school, I noticed a new goose in the pond on the way there, and saw that it looked like a domesticated breed. Today I got a closer look, and from what I could tell, it is either a Chinese goose or an African goose. It was swimming with two pekin ducks that someone also abandoned. My question is, is there any way I could catch the ducks or the goose? Its getting colder, and i wouldn't want to see them spend the winter freezing on the ice. Also, I have my own ducks, and I wouldn't want to bring any diseases in.
Yesterday, on my way to school, I noticed a new goose in the pond on the way there, and saw that it looked like a domesticated breed. Today I got a closer look, and from what I could tell, it is either a Chinese goose or an African goose. It was swimming with two pekin ducks that someone also abandoned. My question is, is there any way I could catch the ducks or the goose? Its getting colder, and i wouldn't want to see them spend the winter freezing on the ice. Also, I have my own ducks, and I wouldn't want to bring any diseases in.

Food is your friend, get them use to seeing you come with food and after they are use to you set up a catch fence so they can be herded inside 3 sides fenced one side open you may need some help. A couple years ago we watched someone rescue some geese and ducks that had been abandoned and it worked. I hope you can give a home to all 3.
I know my geese and duck loves red grapes cut in half. This might be something to get them use to you by putting it down when they are looking at you. But romaine lettuce might b a good one to start with so they get use to you.
Good Luck and please do keep us posted on what happens. Thank you.
Yesterday I went back to the pond to see if he was still there, and sure enough, he was. He came right over to us, clearly he was used to people and was hungry. We went back home and grabbed a cat carrier and some food and with very little effort, I grabbed him and put him in the carrier, and he is happily living in my backyard with my ducks! Thank you both for your input! I will keep that in mind in trying to get him more used to me.
Yesterday I went back to the pond to see if he was still there, and sure enough, he was. He came right over to us, clearly he was used to people and was hungry. We went back home and grabbed a cat carrier and some food and with very little effort, I grabbed him and put him in the carrier, and he is happily living in my backyard with my ducks! Thank you both for your input! I will keep that in mind in trying to get him more used to me.
That's one of the easiest rescues I have ever heard of, very happy for the goose and you. Please post pics when you can.
That was an easy rescue. I bet the poor goose is starving and seen you were kind and decided next time it saw you to come to you and it did. Wanted a new home with you...
Thanks everyone! I do have a concern. The past few days he's been coughing up his food a little bit. Like every now and then he makes a gargling sound and spits up a mix of his feed and water. Any ideas?
Thanks everyone! I do have a concern. The past few days he's been coughing up his food a little bit. Like every now and then he makes a gargling sound and spits up a mix of his feed and water. Any ideas?
Does he have a bucket he can dunk his whole head into. Geese have to have a lot of water. You can also give him some ACV in his water 1-2 Tab per 1 gallon of water it helps with digestion and is considered a good tonic for over all health. Un pasteurized is best. What are you feeding him? Sometimes stress will make them do this too. How does his poop look.? I know funny question but can give lots of answers.

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