Dominique of the year! Ends November 5th, 2011 WINNERS ANNONCED!

BYC username: MRC
Name of your dominique (if named): My daughters call him Big Moe.
Age of dominique (if known): Approximately 20 weeks
A short story about your dominique: First Dom Rooster I've ever had.



I don't have any real good pics of my Doms, but here's one.... (Can't take any very good ones right now cause everybody looks scruffy...roosters are molting and have no tails, hens have rooster-worn backs...bah....)

BYC username: chseeads
Name of your dominique (if named): No name
Age of dominique (if known): Was under a year at the time of this pic earlier this spring, now they're just over a year old.
A short story about your dominique: These are the first Doms I've had, out of many other breeds over the years. Got them to be able to breed some. I like them.

I have removed some highly rude and otherwise inappropriate commentary from this thread. I suggest that if a member doesn't like the contest rules, then don't enter the contest, period. Anyone whose entry doesn't jibe with the rules as set forth by the originator of this contest thread is welcome to withdraw their entry or perhaps it should just be disqualified.
Good grief. Carry on, please.
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Name of Dominique- W1
Age of Dominique-18 weeks
Short story-The American Dominique has a great history as being our oldest heritage breed. It is great to see others raising these fine birds.

Name of your dominique (if named): No name how about a number. Wing band #002
Age of dominique (if known): 4 year old
A short story about your dominique: One on my Dominique hens.


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Sure are some cute Doms so far. I think there should be two winners. One for Hens & one for Roos !!! That way you won't hurt any chickens feelings !!!

I will pos one of these days since my camera's cards are filled up and I hate deleting any pictures from my cards

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