Dominique of the year! Ends November 5th, 2011 WINNERS ANNONCED!

BYC username:hdowden
Name of your dominique (if named): n/a
Age of dominique (if known): 10-12 months
A short story about your dominique: were accidently sold to us as waynnedots (we have 2 roos and a hen that are for sale and 2 br hens. we live in leesville,la)

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BYC username: Gallusfarm
Name of your dominique (if named): Number 5
Age of dominique (if known): 11 months
A short story about your dominique: She is the best forager in the place!


Username: tnterrapin
Bird's Name: Jedediah
Age: 1-1/2 years
Short Story: Jed is the reason I began breeding Dominiques. At first, I didn't want any roosters, only hens. I got him as a hatching egg from a good friend, and a month after Jed hatched, Jed's father suddenly died very young. My friend was devastated- it dashed the hopes of his breeding program. Jed was the only cockerel his rooster ever had. I promised my friend that I would breed Jed and give him the first cockerel. So, I spent a very nervous 9 months, keeping him healthy and away from predators in order to fulfill a promise. This spring, I gave my friend a little cockerel named Lazarus. Jed's also the reason I got into showing. He is a wonderful bird, and even friendly with his chicks, teaching them to scratch and letting them jump up and sit on his back. A true gentleman, and as you can see in the second picture, when he decides to relax, he's great at that too.


BYC username: tgperg
Name of your dominique (if named): Pac
Age of dominique (if known): 1 year
A short story about your dominique: I bought Pac and his six hens (Ms. Pac, Inky, Blinky, Pinky, Sue, and Cherry) when they were eight weeks old. From the beginning Pac was a wonderful guardian. When hawks would fly overhead he would gather all the hens and hide under bushes or in tall grass. I had heard that Dominque roosters could be aggressive, so I started holding him in a baby carrier for thirty minutes every day. He was never aggressive with my children or their friends. Toddlers could feed him by hand or hold him and he would just look kind of resigned. He was a protective father. When his broody hens hatched out chicks he would stand by the little family while they were out foraging and keep the guineas, ducks and other chickens away. Unfortunately, Pac is no longer with us. My entire flock had to be put down because they had chronic respiratory disease. I will always miss Pac.



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